Freie Universität Berlin

Mathematisches Institut

Hélène Esnault, List of publications


  • 1.Sur l'identification de singularités apparaissant dans des groupes algébriques complexes.
    Publ. Math. de l'Université Paris VII, 7 (1979), 31-59 (résumé of the "Thèse de 3ième cycle").

  • 2.Classification des variétés de dimension 3 et plus.
    Séminaire Bourbaki, exp 568, Fév 81.
    Springer Lect. Notes in Math. 901, 111-131, (survey).

  • 3.Fibre de Milnor d'un cône sur une courbe plane singulière.
    Inventiones math. 68 (1982), 477-496.

  • 4.(with E. Viehweg) Revêtement cycliques.
    Algebraic Threefolds, Proc. Varenna 1981.
    Springer Lect. Notes in Math. 947, 241 - 250

  • 5.(with E. Viehweg) Sur une minoration du degré d'hypersurfaces s'annulant en certains points.
    Math. Ann. 263 (1983) 75 - 86

  • 6.(with E. Viehweg) Dyson's lemma for polynomials in several variables (and the theorem of Roth).
    Inventiones math. 78 (1984) 445 - 490

  • 7.(with E. Viehweg) Two dimensional quotient singularities deform to quotient singularities.
    Math. Ann 271 (1985) 439 - 449

  • 8.Reflexive modules on quotient surface singularities.
    Journ. reine angew. Math 362 (1985), 63-71.

  • 9.(with E. Viehweg) Revêtements cycliques II.
    Proc. Algebraic Geometry, La Rabida 1984.
    Hermann, Travaux en cours 23 (1987) 81 - 96

  • 10.(with H. Knörrer) Reflexive modules over rational double points.
    Math. Ann. 272 (1985), 545-548

  • 11.(with E. Viehweg) Logarithmic De Rham complexes and vanishing theorems.
    Inventiones math. 86 (1986) 161 - 194

  • 12.Characteristic classes of flat bundles.
    Topology 27 (1988), 323-352.

  • 13.(with E. Viehweg) Deligne-Beilinson cohomology.
    in: Beilinson's Conjectures on Special Values of L-Functions ( Ed.: Rapoport, Schappacher, Schneider ).
    Perspectives in Math. 4, Academic Press (1988) 43 - 91

  • 14.(with E. Viehweg) A remark on a non-vanishing theorem of P. Deligne and G.T. Mostow.
    Journ. reine angew. Math. 381 (1987) 211 - 213

  • 15.(with E. Viehweg) Vanishing and non-vanishing theorems.
    Proc. Hodge Theory, Luminy 1987 (Ed.: Barlet, Elzein, Esnault, Verdier, Viehweg).
    Astérisque 179 - 180 (1989) 97 - 112

  • 16.On the Loday symbol in the Deligne-Beilinson cohomology.
    K-Theory 3 (1989), 1-28

  • 17.A note on the cycle map.
    Journal reine angew. Math. 411 (1990), 51-65.

  • 18.(with E. Viehweg) Effective bounds for semipositive sheaves and the height of points on curves over complexe function fields.
    Compositio math. 76 (1990) 69 - 85

  • 19.A regulator map on singular varieties.
    Math. Ann. 286 (1990), 169-191

  • 20.Une remarque sur la cohomologie du faisceau de Zariski de la K-théorie de Milnor sur une variété lisse complexe.
    Math. Zeitschrift 205 (1990), 373-378

  • 21.Some examples of computation of a regulator map on singular varieties.
    Contemporary Mathematics 131 (1992) (Part 3), 399-417, Proc. of the "A.I. Maltsev Conf." on Algebra and Analysis, Novosibirsk 1989.

  • 22.Hodge type of subvarieties of Pn of small degrees.
    Math. Ann. 288 (1990), 549-551

  • 23.(with E. Viehweg) Ample sheaves on moduli schemes.
    "Proceedings of the Conference in Algebraic and Analytic Geometry", Tokyo, 1990, ICM-90 Satellite Conference Proceedings, Springer , 53-81

  • 24.(with J. Seade and E. Viehweg) Characteristic divisors on complex manifolds.
    Journ. reine angew. Math. 424 (1992) 17-30

  • 25.(with V. Srinivas) Chern classes of vector bundles with holomorphic connections on a complete smooth complex variety.
    Journal of Diff. Geometry, 36 (1992), 257-267.

  • 26.(with V. Schechtman and E.Viehweg) Cohomology of local systems on the complement of hyperplanes.
    Invent. math. 109 (1992) 557-561

    Erratum: Invent. math. 112 (1993) 447

  • 27.(with M.V. Nori and V.Srinivas) Hodge type of projective varieties of low degree.
    Math. Ann. 293 (1992), 1-6

  • 28.(with E. Viehweg) Lectures on Vanishing Theorems.
    Book, DMV-Seminar Band 20, Birkhäuser, 164 pages, see below under books.

  • 29.(with B. Kahn and E. Viehweg) Coverings with odd ramification and Stiefel-Withney classes.
    Journ. f. reine und ang. Math. 441 (1993) 145-188

  • 30.(with E. Viehweg) Higher Kodaira-Spencer classes. Math. Ann. 299 (1994) 491-527

  • 31.Characteristic classes of flat bundles, II.
    K-Theory 6 (1992), 45-56

  • 32.(with M. Levine) Surjectivity of cycle maps.
    Journées de Géométrie Algébrique d'Orsay, Juillet 1992.
    Astérisque 218 (1993), 203-226.

  • 33.(with V. Srinivas and E. Viehweg) Decomposability of Chow groups implies decomposability of cohomology.
    Journées de Géométrie Algébrique d'Orsay, Juillet 1992.
    Astérisque 218 (1993) 227 - 242

  • 34.(with K. Paranjape) Remarks on absolute de Rham and absolute Hodge cycles.
    C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 319 Série I (1994), 67-72.

  • 35.Coniveau of classes of flat bundles trivialized on a smooth covering of a complex manifold.
    K-Theory 8 (1994), 483-488.

  • 36.(with K. Corlette) Classes of local systems of Q hermitian vector spaces, Preprint 1994, appendix to "Riemann-Roch for flat bundles" by J.-M. Bismut.
    Chinese Annals of Mathematics 26B:1 (2005), 15-44.

  • 37.(with S. Bloch) The coniveau filtration and non- divisibility for algebraic cycles.
    Math. Ann. 304 (1996), 303-314.

  • 38.(with M. Levine and E. Viehweg) Chow groups on projective varieties of very small degree.
    Duke Math. J. 87 (1997), 29-58

  • 39.(with S. Bloch) Algebraic Chern-Simons theory.
    Am. J. of Mathematics 119 (1997), 903-952.

  • 40.Recent developments on characteristic classes of flat bundles on complex algebraic manifolds.
    Jber. d. Dt. Math.-Verein 98 (1996), 182-191, (survey).

  • 41.(with B. Kahn, M. Levine and E. Viehweg) The Arason invariant and mod 2 algebraic cycles.
    Journal of the American Mathematical Society 11 (1998), 73-118

  • 42.Algebraic Differential Characters, in Regulators in Analysis, Geometry and Number Theory.
    Progress in Mathematics, Birkhäuser Verlag, 171 (2000), 89-117.

  • 43.A remark on an algebraic Riemann-Roch formula for flat bundles.
    K-Theory 13 (1998), 61-68.

  • 44.(with V. Srinivas and E. Viehweg) The universal regular quotient of the Chow group of 0-cycles on a singular projective variety.
    Inventiones math. 135 (1999) 595-664

  • 45.(with E. Viehweg) Germs of de Rham cohomology classes which vanish at the generic point.
    CRAS, Paris 326 (1998), 857-862

  • 46.Algebraic theory of characteristic classes of bundles with connection, in Algebraic K-theory.
    Proceedings of Symposia in pure Mathematics 67 (1999), 13-25.

  • 47.(with S. Bloch) A Riemann-Roch theorem for flat bundles, with values in the algebraic Chern-Simons theory.
    Annals of Mathematics 151 (2000), 1-46.

  • 48.(with E. Viehweg) Semistable bundles on curves and irreducible representations of the fundamental group.
    Contemporary Mathematics 241 (1999) 129 - 138

  • 49.(with S. Bloch) Lectures on Algebro-Geometric Chern-Weil and Cheeger-Chern-Simons Theory for Vector Bundles.
    in Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Cycles. Nato Science Series 548 (2000), 3-29.

  • 50.(with S. Bloch) Gauß-Manin determinants of rank 1 irregular connection on curves.
    Math. Ann. 321 (2001), 15-87, with an addendum: the letter of P. Deligne to J.-P. Serre (Feb. 74) on ε-factors, 65-87.

  • 51.(with M. Levine) The Steinberg curve.
    Am. J. of Mathematics 122 (2000), 783-804.

  • 52.(with I.H. Tsai) Determinant bundle in a family of curves, after A. Beilinson and V. Schechtman.
    Comm. Math. Phys. 211 (2000), 359-363.

  • 53.(with S. Bloch) Relatives Algebraic Characters, in Motives, Polylogarithms and Hodge Theory.
    International Press Lecture Series, vol. 3, part I (2002), 47-75.

  • 54. (with S. Bloch) Gauß-Manin determinant connections and periods for irregular connections.
    Geom. funct. anal. Special Volume-GAFA 2000, 1-31, Birkhäuser Verlag.

  • 55.(with S. Bloch) A formula for Gauß-Manin determinants, preprint 2000, 37 pages.
    see below under Unpublished Manuscripts.

  • 56.(with S. Bloch) Homology for irregular connections.
    Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 16 (2004) no 2, 357-371.

  • 57.(with C. Hertling) Semistable bundles and reducible representations of the fundamental group.
    International Journal of Mathematics 12, no7 (2001), 847-855.

  • 58.(with A. Beilinson and S. Bloch): ε-factors for Gauß-Manin determinants.
    Moscow Mathematical Journal, 2 no 3 (2002), 1-56.

  • 59.(with S. Bloch): An additive version of higher Chow groups.
    Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 36 (4) (2003), 463-477.

  • 60.(with E. Viehweg) Chern classes of Gauß-Manin bundles of weight 1 vanish.
    K-theory 26 (2002) 287-305

  • 61.Characteristic classes of flat bundles and determinant of the Gauß-Manin connection.
    Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing 2002, Higher Education Press, 471-483.

  • 62.Varieties over a finite field with trivial Chow group of 0-cycles have a rational point.
    Invent. math. 151 (2003), 187-191.

  • 63.(with S. Bloch) The additive dilogarithm.
    Documenta Math. Extra Volume: Kazuya Kato's Fiftieth Birthday (2003), 131-155.

  • 64.(with D. Wan) Hodge type of the exotic cohomology of complete intersections.
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 336 (2003), 153-157.

  • 65.(with S. Bloch) Congruences for the number of rational points, Hodge type and motivic conjectures for Fano varieties.
    Cubo A Mathematical Journal, 05, no 03 (2003), 251-262.

  • 66.(with S. Bloch and M. Levine) Decomposition of the diagonal and eigenvalues of Frobenius for Fano hypersurfaces.
    Am. J. of Mathematics, 127 no1 (2005), 193-207.

  • 67.Eigenvalues of Frobenius acting on the l-adic cohomology of complete intersections of low degree.
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 337 (2003), 317-320.

  • 68.(with N. Katz): Cohomological divisibility and point count divisibility.
    Compositio math. 141 01 (2005), 93-100.

  • 69.(with A. Beilinson, S. Bloch, P. Deligne): Periods for irregular connections on curves, preprint 2003, 59 pages.
    see below under Unpublished Manuscripts.

  • 70.Some elementary theorems about divisibility of 0-cycles on abelian varieties defined over finite fields.
    International Mathematics Research Notices 19 (2004), 929-935.

  • 71.(with S. Bloch): Local Fourier transforms and rigidity for D-modules.
    Asian Journal of Mathematics, special issue dedicated to Armand Borel, Vol. 8, No 4 (2004), 587-606.

  • 71b. Erratum to Thm.4.10 in: Local Fourier transforms and rigidity for D-modules.
    Asian Journal of Mathematics, special issue dedicated to Armand Borel, Vol. 8, No 4 (2004), 587-606.

  • 72.Appendix to "Congruences for rational points on varieties over finite fields" by N. Fakhruddin and C. S. Rajan.
    Math. Ann. 333 (2005), 811-814.

  • 73.Deligne's integrality theorem in unequal characteristic and rational points over finite fields.
    Annals of Mathematics 164 (2006), 715-730.

  • 74.(with P. Deligne) Appendix to "Deligne's integrality theorem in unequal characteristic and rational points over finite fields".
    Annals of Mathematics 164 (2006), 726-730.

  • 75.Variation of Artin's vanishing theorem.
    Advances of Mathematics 198 (2005) issue 2, 435-438, special issue dedicated to M. Artin.

  • 76.(with S. Bloch) Künneth projectors and correspondences for open varieties.
    in Algebraic Cycles and Motives, vol. 2, 54-72. London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 344 (2007).

  • 77.A remark on higher congruences for the number of rational points of varieties defined over a finite field, preprint 2005, 6 pages.
    see below under Unpublished Manuscripts

  • 78.(with Phùng Hô Hai) The Gauß-Manin connection and Tannaka duality.
    International Mathematics Research Notices 93878 (2006), 1-35.

  • 79.(with S. Bloch and D. Kreimer) On motives associated to graph polynomials.
    Comm. Math. Phys. 267 no1 (2006), 181-225.

  • 80.(with P. Berthelot and S. Bloch) On Witt vector cohomology for singular varieties.
    Compositio math. 143 (2007), 363-392.

  • 81.(with M. Blickle and K. Rülling) Characteristic 0 and p analogies, and some motivic cohomology.
    in Global Aspects of Complex Geometry. ed. Catanese, Esnault, Huckelberry, Hulek, Peternell, Springer Verlag (2006), 59-82.

  • 82.(with M. Blickle) Rational singularities and rational points.
    Pure Appl. Math. Q. 4 (2008), no. 3, part 2, 729-741.

  • 83.(with Phùng Hô Hai and X. Sun) On Nori's Fundamental Group Scheme.
    Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 265 (2007), 377-398.

  • 84.Partial connection for p-torsion line bundles in characteristic p>0.
    Inspired by S. S. Chern, 173-178, Nankai Tracts Math. 11, World Sci. Publ. Hackensack, NJ (2006).

  • 85.(with Phùng Hô Hai) The fundamental groupoid scheme and applications.
    Annales de l'Institut Fourier 58 (2008), 2381-2412.

  • 86.(with Phùng Hô Hai) Packets in Grothendieck's Section Conjecture.
    Advances in Mathematics 218 (2008), 395-416.

  • 87.Coniveau over p-adic fields and points over finite fields.
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 345 (2007) 73-76.

  • 88.(with C. Xu) Congruence for rational points over finite fields and coniveau over local fields.
    Transactions of the AMS 361 (2009), 2679-2688.

  • 89.(with M. Levine) Tate motives and fundamental group, preprint 2007, 65 pages.
    see below under Unpublished Manuscripts

  • 90.(with A. Ogus) Hodge cohomology of invertible sheaves.
    in Motives and Algebraic Cycles, A Celebration in Honour of Spencer J. Bloch.
    American Mathematical Society, Fields Institute 56 (2009), 83-91.

  • 91.Algebraic differential characters of flat connections with nilpotent residues.
    in Algebraic Topology. Abel Prisen 4 (2007), Springer Verlag, 83-94.

  • 92.(with O. Wittenberg) Remarks on Cycle Classes of sections of the arithmetic fundamental group.
    Moscow Mathematical Journal 9, (2009), 451-467,

  • 93.(with O. Wittenberg) On abelian birational sections.
    Journal of the American Mathematical Society 23, (2010), 713-724,

  • 94.(with Phùng Hô Hai) Two small remarks on Nori fundamental group scheme.
    Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 60 (2010), 237-243.

  • 95.(with V. Mehta) Simply connected projective manifolds in characteristic p>0 have no nontrivial stratified bundles. Inventiones math. 181 (2010), 449-465.

  • 95b. (Little) Erratum to: Simply connected projective manifolds in characteristic p>0 have no nontrivial stratified bundles.
    Inventiones math. 181 (2010), 449-465.

  • 96.(with E. Viehweg) On a rationality question in the Grothendieck ring of varieties.
    Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 35 (2010), 31-41.

  • 97.(with V. Mehta) Weak Density of the Fundamental Group Scheme.
    Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 13 (2011), 3071-3081.

  • 98.(with E. Viehweg) Surface singularities dominated by smooth varieties.
    Journ. reine angew. Mathematik 649 (2010), 1-9.

  • 99.(with A. Hogadi) On the algebraic fundamental group of smooth varieties in characteristic p>0.
    Transaction of the AMS 364 (2012), 2429-2442.

  • 100.(with P. Berthelot and K. Ruelling) Rational points over finite fields for regular models of algebraic varieties of Hodge type greater or equal to 1.
    Annals of Mathematics 176 (2012), 1-96.

  • 101.(with J. Nicaise) Finite group actions, rational fixed points and weak Néron models.
    Pure Applied Math. Q. 7:4 in the Special issue in memory of Eckart Viehweg (2011), 1209--1240.

  • 102.(with V. Srinivas) Algebraic versus topological entropy for surfaces over finite fields.
    Osaka J. of Math. 50 (2013), no 3, 827--846.

  • 103.(with M. Kerz) Notes on Deligne's letter to Drinfeld dated March 5, 2007 preprint 2011, 19 pages.
    See below under Unpublished Manuscripts

  • 104.(with A. Langer) On a positive equicharacteristic variant of the p-curvature conjecture.
    Documenta Mathematica 18 (2013), 23--50.

  • 105.(with X. Sun) Stratified bundles and étale fundamental group.
    Ann. Sc. Norm. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) XIII (2014), 1--18.

  • 106.(with S. Bloch snd M. Kerz) p-adic deformation of algebraic cycle classes.
    Inventiones math. 195 (2014), 673--722.

  • 107. On flat bundles in characteristic 0 and p>0.
    European Congress of Mathematics, Krakow, 2--7 July, 2012, European Mathematical Society, 301--313.

  • 108. (with M. Levine and O. Wittenberg) Index of varieties over Henselian fields and Euler characteristic of coherent sheaves.
    J. Algebraic Geometry, 24 (2015), 693--718.

  • 109. (with M. Kerz) A finiteness theorem for Galois representations of function fields over finite fields (after Deligne).
    Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 37 4 (2012), 531--562.

  • 109b. Errata: (with M. Kerz) A finiteness theorem for Galois representations of function fields over finite fields (after Deligne).

  • 110. (with C. Sabbah and J.-D. Yu) E1 degeneration of the irregular Hodge filtration, with an appendix by Morihiko Saito.
    Journal reine und angewandte Mathematik, 729 (2017), 171--227

  • 111. (with O. Wittenberg) On the cycle map for zero-cycles over local fields, with an appendix by Spencer Bloch.
    Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 49 (4) (2016), 481--518

  • 112. (with S. Bloch and M. Kerz) Deformations of algebraic cycle classes in characteristic 0.
    Algebraic Geometry 1 (2014) 3, 290--310.

  • 113. (with V. Srinivas) Simply connected varieties in characteristic p>0 , with an appendix by Jean-Benoît Bost.
    Compositio math. 152 (2016), 255--287.

  • 114. (with K. Oguiso) Non-liftability of automorphism groups of a K3 surface in positive characteristic.
    Math. Ann. 363 (2015), 1187--1206.

  • 115. (with K. Oguiso and X. Yu) Automorphisms of elliptic K3 surfaces and Salem numbers of maximal degree.
    Algebraic Geometry 3 (2016), 496--507.

  • 118. (with L. Kindler) Lefschetz theorems for tamely ramified coverings.
    Proc. of the AMS 144 (2016), 5071--5080.

  • 118b. (Little) Erratum to: Lefschetz theorems for tamely ramified coverings.
    Proc. of the AMS 144 (2016), 5071--5080.

  • 116. (with A. Shiho) Convergent isocrystals on simply connected varieties.
    Annales de l'Institut Fourier 68 (2018) no 5, 2019--21-48.

  • 117. (with M. Kerz and O. Wittenberg) A restriction isomorphism for cycles of relative dimension zero.
    Cambridge Journal of Mathematics 4 2 (2016), 163--196.

  • 119. (with A. Shiho) Chern classes of crystals.
    Transactions of the AMS 371 2 (2019), 1333-1358.

  • 119b. (with A. Shiho) Existence of locally free lattices of crystals, preprint 2015, 2 pages.
    See below under Unpublished Manuscripts.

  • 120. Some fundamental groups in arithmetic geometry.
    Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 97.2 (2018),
    Algebraic Geometry Salt Lake City 2015, AMS, 169--179.

  • 121. A remark on Deligne's finiteness theorem.
    Int. Math. Res. Not. 16 (2017), 4962--4970

  • 122. Survey on some aspects of Lefschetz theorems in algebraic geometry.
    Revista Matemática Complutense, 30 (2) (2017), 217--232.

  • 123. (with T. Abe) A Lefschetz theorem for overconvergent isocrystals with Frobenius structure.
    Annales de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, 52 (4) (2019), 1243--1264.

  • 124. (with M. Kisin) D-modules and finite monodromy.
    Selecta Mathematica, volume dedicated to Alexander Beilinson 24 (1) (2018), 217--232.

  • 125. (with M. Harris) Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles.
    Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 13 (2) (2017), 193--213.

  • 126. (with M. Groechenig) Rigid connections and F-isocrystals.
    Acta Mathematica 225 (1) (2020), 103--158.

  • 127. (with V. Srinivas) A relative version of Gieseker's problem on stratifications in characteristic p>0.
    Int. Math. Res. Not. 18 (2019), 5635--5648.

  • 128. (with M. Groechenig) Cohomologically rigid connections and integrality.
    Selecta Mathematica 24 (5) (2018), 4279--4292.

  • 129. (with M. Harris) Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles, II.
    Epiga 3 (2019), art. 14, 28 pages.

  • 130. Cohomological dimension in pro-p-towers.
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 8 (2021), 5757--5765.

  • 131. (with L. Kindler and V. Srinivas) A note on fierce ramification.
    J. of Algebra. 528 (2019), 250--259.

  • 132. (with C. Sabbah) Good lattices of algebraic connections.
    Documenta math. 24 (2019), 271--301.

  • 133. (with M. Kerz) Arithmetic subspaces of moduli spaces of rank one local systems.
    Cambridge Journal of Mathematics 8 (2020) (3), 453--478.

  • 134. (with M. Kerz) Étale cohomology of rank one l-adic local systems in positive characteristic.
    Selecta Mathematica 27 (2021) no 4, paper 58, 25 pages.

  • 135. Survey on special subloci of the moduli spaces of local systems on complex varieties, preprint 2019, 8 pages
    appears in Proceedings of the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (Beijing 2019).

  • 136. (with M. Kerz) Density of Arithmetic Representations of Function Fields.
    Epiga 6 (2022), art. 5, 18 pages.

  • 137. Remembering Steve Zucker
    Notices American Math. Soc. 68 (2021) no 7, 1156--1172 (1162-1163). edited by David Cox and Michael Harris.

  • 138. (with V. Srinivas) Bounding ramification by covers and curves.
    in Nine mathematical challenges, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Math, AMS 104 (2021), 31--43.

  • 139. (with M. D'Addezio) On the universal extensions in Tannakian categories.
    International Mathematics Research Notices 18 (2022), 14008-14033.

  • 140. (with M. Kerz) Local systems with quasi-unipotent monodromy at infinity are dense, preprint 2021, 9 pages
    Israel Journal of Mathematics 257 (2023), 251-262.

  • 141. (with M. Shusterman and V. Srinivas) Finite presentation of the tame fundamental group.
    Selecta Mathematica 28 (2022) no 2, paper 37, 19 pages.

  • 142. (with V. Srinivas and J. Stix) An obstruction to lifting to characteristic 0.
    Algebraic Geometry 10 (2023) no 3, 327--347.

  • 143. (with M. Groechenig) Frobenius structures and unipotent monodromy at infinity, preprint 2021, 8 pages.
    Appendix to 'André-Oort for Shimura varieties' by J. Pila, Ananth Shankar, J. Tsimerman, 25 pages.
    See below under Preprints.

  • 144. (with D. Wan) Divisibility of Frobenius eigenvalues on l-adic cohomology.
    Proceedings Indian Acad. Sci. Mathematical Sci. 132 (2002) 2, Paper 60.

  • 145. (with J. de Jong and M. Groechenig) Rigid non-cohomologically rigid local systems, preprint 2022, 6 pages
    to appear in Algebraic Geometry and Physics 1

  • 146. (with J. de Jong) Integrality of the Betti moduli space.
    Transactions of the AMS 377 (1) (2024),431--448.

  • 147. Lectures on Local Systems in Algebraic-Arithmetic Geometry.
    Springer Lecture Notes 2337 (2023), i-vii+ 96 pp.

  • 148. Some Arithmetic Properties of Complex Local Systems.
    Notices American Math. Soc. 70 (2023) no11, 1793--1801.

  • 149. Rational points over C1 fields, preprint 2023, 9 pages
    volume in memory of Manin, Springer

  • 150. (with M. Groechenig) Crystallinity of rigid flat connections revisited, 26 pages
    Appears in Selecta Mathematica

  • 151. (with M. Kerz) Semi-stable Lefschetz pencils, preprint 2023, 46 pages
    See below under Preprints

  • 152. (with M. Kerz) A non-abelian version of Deligne's Fixed Part Theorem, preprint 2024, 23 pages
    See below under Preprints

  • Books:

  • 28. (with E.Viehweg) Lectures on Vanishing Theorems, Lecture Notes, Birkhäuser, DMV Seminar 20 (1992) 164 pages. pdf

  • 147. Lectures on Local Systems in Algebraic-Arithmetic Geometry
    Springer Lecture Notes 2337 (2023), i-vii + 96 pp

  • 147b. Errata to Lectures on Local Systems in Algebraic-Arithmetic Geometry.
    Chap.8 Prop. 8.3, Proof: Blunder, seen by F. Charles, D. Litt and A. Petrov, thank you! We can not reduce the whole computation to H0 on affines!
    [Because of high ramification, it should reduce to H0 and the middle dimension cohomology on affines, but the text does not do the middle cohomology.]

  • Preprints:

  • 143. (with M. Groechenig) Frobenius structures and unipotent monodromy at infinity, preprint 2021, 8 pages.
    Appendix to 'André-Oort for Shimura varieties' by J. Pila, Ananth Shankar, J. Tsimerman, 25 pages.

  • 151. (with M. Kerz) Semi-stable Lefschetz pencils, preprint 2023, 48 pages

  • 152. (with M. Kerz) A non-abelian version of Deligne's Fixed Part Theorem, preprint 2024, 23 pages

  • Unpublished Manuscripts:

  • 55. (with S. Bloch) A formula for Gauß-Manin determinants, preprint 2000, 37 pages.

  • 69. (with A. Beilinson, S. Bloch, P. Deligne): Periods for irregular connections on curves, preprint 2003, 59 pages.

  • 77. A remark on higher congruences for the number of rational points of varieties defined over a finite field, preprint 2005, 6 pages.

  • 89. (with M. Levine) Tate motives and fundamental group, preprint 2007, 65 pages.

  • 103. (with M. Kerz) Notes on Deligne's letter to Drinfeld dated March 5, 2007, preprint 2011, 19 pages.

  • 119b. (with A. Shiho) Existence of locally free lattices of crystals, preprint 2015, 2 pages.

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