lecture | tuesday | 10-12 | Arnimallee 6 SR 007/008 | ||
thursday | 12-14 | Arnimallee 2 (Villa) seminarroom | starting April 17 | ||
recitation | wednesday | 14-16 | Arnimallee 6 SR 007/008 |
Basic structures in discrete and convex geometry
Homework #13 | due July 10 | |
Homework #12 | due July 3 | |
Homework #11 | due June 26 | |
Homework #10 | due June 20 | |
Homework #9 | due June 12 | |
Homework #8 | due June 5 | |
Homework #7 | due May 29 | |
Homework #6 | due May 22 | |
Homework #5 | due May 15 | |
Homework #4 | due May 8 | |
Homework #3 | due May 2 | |
Homework #2 | due April 24 | |
Homework #1 | due April 17 |
July 9/11 |
lattices are exactly discrete subgroups not contained in a
hyperplane; fundamental cell; determinnant of lattice;
sublattices and the index; covering and volume
Blichfeldt's theorem; geometry of numbers and Minkowski's fundamental theorem; looking out of a forest; approximation of irrational numbers; the 2-square theorem |
July 2/4 |
Minkowski's second inequality; Alexandrov-Fenchel
inequalities \(MV(K_1,\dots,K_d)^2 \ge
\); application to combinatorics: unimodal, concave, and
log-concave sequences; log-concave sequences from convex
bodies; Converse (Shephard): every log-concave sequences
arises as the mixed volumes of two convex bodies; \(G\)
connected graph with selection of edges \(S \subset E\);
\(b_i = \) spanning trees \(T\) with \(i = |T \cap S|\) is
log-concave; Mason's conjecture for graphs: \(I_i\) number
of forests on \(i\) edges; \(I_0,\dots,I_d\) is
discrete volume \(E_S(n) = |nS \cap \mathbb{Z}^d|\); yields volume \(\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} E_S(n)/n^d = \mathrm{vol}_d(S)\); Theorem (Ehrhart): \(P\) lattice polytope \(\rightarrow\) \(E_P(n)\) agrees with polynomial of degree \(\dim(P)\) for all \(n\ge1\); multi-subsets and Ehrhart polynomials of simplices; valutions on lattice polytopes; proof of Ehrhart's theorem in the plane; Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity; proof in the plane; the coeffients and Pick's theorem |
June 25/27 |
Theorem: \(MV(P,\dots,P,Q) = \frac{1}{d}\sum_{i}
h_Q(a_i) \mathrm{vol}_{d-1}(P^{a_i})\) where
\(a_1,\dots,a_n\) are unit normals to facets of \(P\);
proof via existence of certain exact mixed subdivisions; general form
\(MV(P_1,\dots,P_{d-1},K) = \frac{1}{d}\sum_{i}
h_K(a_i) MV(P_1^{a_i},P_2^{a_i},\dots,P_{d-1}^{a_i})\) where \(a_i\) are
the unit facet normals of \(P_1+\cdots+P_{d-1}\); Minkowski's first
inequality: \(MV(K,L[d-1])^d \ge
\mathrm{vol}_d(L)^{d-1} \)
surface area \(S(K) = \frac{1}{d}MV(K[d-1],B_d)\); properties; Steiner polynomial and `Quermassintegrale'; the isoperimetric problem; isoperimetric inequality: \(\tfrac{S(K)^d}{V(K)^{d-1}} \ge \tfrac{S(B_d)^d}{V(B_d)^{d-1}}\); isoperimetric quotient and Lindelöf's result on polytopes. |
June 18/20 |
the mixed volume \(MV(K_1,\dots,K_d)\) of \(d\) convex
bodies \(K_1,\dots,K_d\subset \mathbb{R}^d\); mixed volume
is symmetric in its arguments, continuous, non-negative
(via mixed subdivisions), rigid motion invariant, and
equal to the volume if \(K_1=\cdots=K_d\); mixed volume
completely describes the coefficients of
\(\mathrm{vol}_d(\lambda_1 K_1 + \cdots \lambda_n K_n)\)
for arbitrary \(n\) (this is polarization of algebraic
forms!); \(MV(\cdot)\) is linear in its arguments;
\(MV(\cdot,K_2,\dots,K_d)\) is a valuation; mixed volume
via inclusion-exclusion of (Minkowski) subsums;
application of mixed volumes: Bernstein's theorem on number of solutions of polynomial systems with fixed Newton polytopes; Monotonicity of mixed volume (via mixed subdivisions); Theorem: \(MV(P,\dots,P,Q) = \frac{1}{d}\sum_{i} h_Q(a_i) \mathrm{vol}_{d-1}(P^{a_i})\) where \(a_1,\dots,a_n\) are unit normals to facets of \(P\) |
June 11/13 |
understanding the function \( V_A(b) :=
\mathrm{vol}_d(P_A(b))\), the closed inner region
\(\bar{\mathcal{B}}_A \subset \mathcal{B}_A /
\mathrm{im}(A)\), (weak) Minkowski summand as partial
order, normal equivalence, polyhedral subdivision of
\(\bar{\mathcal{B}}_A\) by type cones; restricted to a
type cone, the function \(V_A(\cdot)\) is of the form
\lambda_1P_1 + \cdots + \lambda_n P_n)\); Thm(Minkowski).
the function
\(\mathrm{vol}_d( \lambda_1K_1 + \cdots + \lambda_n K_n)\)
is a homogeneous polynomial of degree \(d\); sufficient to
prove for polytopes;
special case:
exact Minkowski sums
mixed subdivisions and exact mixed subdivisions; Proof of Minkowski's theorem; fine mixed subdivisions are exact; Existence of (fine) mixed subdivisions via the Cayley trick; |
June 4/6 |
Minkowskis's existence/uniqueness problem: polytope \(P\)
with unit facet normals \(a_1,\dots,a_n\) and facet
volumes \( \alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n >0\) iff
\(\sum_i\alpha_i = 0\); \(P\) unique up to translation;
Proof uses Brunn-Minkowski + equality cases;
\(\mathcal{M}_A = \{ b : \mathrm{vol}_d P_A(b) \ge 1 \}\)
is a smooth convex body with lineality space = column-span
of \(A\); Proof is algorithmic (minimizing a convex
function over convex domain); complexity question;
Applications: If for every facet of \(P\) there is a parallel facet of equal volume, then \(P\) is centrally-symmetric (cs); If \(P\) has dissection by cs polytopes, then \(P\) is cs; If all \(k\)-faces (\(k > 1\)!) are cs, then \(P\) is cs; orthant-shaped polyhedra; Thm (Pogorelov): For \(a_1,\dots,a_n \in \mathbb{R}^d_{>0}\) and \(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n >0\) there is a unique(!) orthant shaped polyhedron with \(\{a_i\}\) normals to bounded facets and \(\{\alpha_i\}\) corresponding facet volumes. |
May 28/30 |
geometric-arithmetic mean inequality; isoperimetric
inequality for rectangles; Minkowski's inequality; proof
of theorem from last week; volumes of slices of a convex
body; unimodality; Brunn's `slice inequality';
Brunn-Minkowski inequality
Brunn-Minkowski inequality and the equality cases; Cayley embeddings and proof of Brunn's theorem; polyboxes; BM-inequality for convex bodies from BM-inequality for polyboxes; BM-inequality for boxes via Minkowski inequality; proof of BM-inequality for polyboxes |
May 21/23 |
intuition in high dimensions: volumes of crosspolytopes,
unit balls, and cubes; Busemann-Petty problem;
complexity (e.g., #vertices) for approximation of unit
ball; Thm: Polytopes with polynomially many vertices give
bad approximation of (volume of) the unit ball; bad news
for deterministic algorithms that approximate volume;
approximation by ellipsoids; Fritz John's theorem; Thm: \(\sqrt[n]{\det(A)}\) is strictly concave on positive definite matrices; uniqueness of maximal volume ellipsoid |
May 14/16 |
polyhedral complex, subdivision of a polytope (=dissection
with more structure); valuations and inclusion-exclusion
formula, Volland's Theorems: IE holds for valuations on
polytopes / independence of choice of dissection; boundary
complexes, complex of bounded faces; regular subdivisions
via projections of complex of bounded faces; non-regular
regular subdivisions and piecewise-linear convex functions; refinements and Baues poset; regular subdivisions and secondary polytopes; n-gons and associahedra; cubes and minimal triangulations; Delaunay triangulations; computing triangulations via beneath-beyond; pushing triangulations and number of iterations via Upper Bound Theorem |
May 7 | flags of faces, barycentric subdivision; volume of polytopes via barycentric subdivisions; independence of the choice \(b_F \in \mathrm{relint}(F)\); pyramids, heights, volume of pyramid; Lemma: Facet volumes give linear dependence of unit facet normals; Minkowski's theorem (first appearance) |
April 30/May 2 |
distance function \(d_K\) of a convex body; Thm: \(d_K =
h_{K^\triangle}\); specifying convex bodies: polytopes and
memebership/separation oracles; outer parallel bodies,
Hausdorff distance, Thm: \(d(K,L)=\|h_K-h_L\|_\infty\);
cone of convex bodies is isometric to cone of pos. linear
convex functions; approximation by (rational, simplicial)
polytopes; boxes and volumes, polyboxes and Jordan
measurable sets; Thm: convex bodies are Jordan measurable;
volume of convex body via Lebesque measure
volume from first principles: properties of volume; dissections of polytopes; equidecomposable/scissor congruence; Hilbert's 3rd problem; Dehn invariant, Hadwiger's theorem; Hadwidger's volume theorem; dissection of unit cube into \(d!\) simplices; volume of simplex via parallelpipeds; determinant formula |
April 16/18 |
hyperplanes and halfspaces, (strictly) separating
hyperplane; Separation theorem for \(p\) and \(A\) closed
convex; supporting hyperplane, closed convex sets are
intersections of halfspaces; support function \(h_K\)
determines convex body \(K\); Minkowski sums and support
functions; separation more general; supporting hyperplane
through every point \(p \in \partial K\); proof of
Minkowski's theorem;
faces and exposed faces; relative interiors of faces partition \(K\); face lattice; in general not graded; not every face is exposed; polarity, polar of a set; properties; Bipolar theorem; Minkowski-Weyl light: \(K\) polytope \(\Leftrightarrow K^\triangle\) polytope |
April 23/25 |
Farkas lemma;
proof of Minkowski-Weyl light; polytopes are bounded
polyhedra; irredundant inequalities, facets; facets are
exposed; conjugate faces, properties; smooth points
support functions are positively linear and convex; Theorem: this characterizes support functions of convex bodies; Radon's lemma; Helly's theorem for finite families; Helly for infinite families (see also the survey on generalizations of Helly's theorem); proof of characterization via Helly and Farkas; Corollary: \( \{ K \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d : K \neq \emptyset \text{ convex body}\} \cong \{ f: \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R} : \text{ pos. linear, convex} \} \) as convex cones. |
April 16/18 |
hyperplanes and halfspaces, (strictly) separating
hyperplane; Separation theorem for \(p\) and \(A\) closed
convex; supporting hyperplane, closed convex sets are
intersections of halfspaces; support function \(h_K\)
determines convex body \(K\); Minkowski sums and support
functions; separation more general; supporting hyperplane
through every point \(p \in \partial K\); proof of
Minkowski's theorem;
faces and exposed faces; relative interiors of faces partition \(K\); face lattice; in general not graded; not every face is exposed; polarity, polar of a set; properties; Bipolar theorem; Minkowski-Weyl light: \(K\) polytope \(\Leftrightarrow K^\triangle\) polytope |
April 9/10 |
linear/affine subspaces, linear/affine hulls, convexity,
convex combinations; examples: polygons, polytopes, unit
balls (for various norms), positive semidefinite matrices,
positive polynomials, sums-of-squares, epi-graphs of
convex functions; convex hulls = convex combinations of
finitely many points; application: Gauss-Lucas theorem;
affine dependence, Caratheodory's theorem; \(X\) compact \(\Rightarrow\) \(\mathrm{conv}(X)\) compact; convex bodies; (relative) interior and boundary; \(\mathrm{relint}(X)\) is convex; affine hull and dimension; relative interior of simplices; extreme points; Minkowski's theorem: \(K = \mathrm{conv}(\mathrm{ext}(K))\) if \(K\) compact; nearest point map: well-defined and unique; characterization of closed convex sets