- The universal representation of the 3-local parabolic
geometry for M(24) and for the Monster
(with A.A. Ivanov, D.V. Pasechnik).
- The Birkhoff Polytope (with C. Haase, B. Nill, A. Paffenholz), Sept. 2007, 30 pages.
In Preparation
- A characterization of L2(3r) and U3(2r).
- Flag-transitive affine dual polar spaces of O2n+1(q)-type,
(with S.V. Shpectorov, G. Stroth).
- The big Book of small Modules (with U. Meierfrankenfeld, G. Stroth)
- Permutation Polytopes related to a cyclic or dihedral group (with C. Haase, B. Nill, A. Paffenholz).
- Transitive permutation groups admitting a transversal which is a conjugacy class (with G. Kaplan),
Jan. 2008, 13 pages.
- The finite Bol loops of exponent 2 (with A. Stein, G. Stroth), Dec. 2008, 75 pages.
- The finite Bruck loops of exponent 2 (with A. Stein, G. Stroth), Jan. 2010, 26 pages.
- Commuting graphs of odd prime order elements in simple groups (with A. Stein), Dec. 2009, 21 pages, (submitted).
- The finite Bruck loops (with A. Stein), Aug. 2009, 21 pages (submitted).
- C-sections and solvability of finite groups (with G. Kaplan), Jan. 2010, 14 pages, (submitted).
- Finite Zassenhaus Moufang sets with root groups of even order (with M. Grueninger), Feb. 2010,
25 pages.
Erschienene/ angenommene Artikel
- Self-invariant 1-Factorizations of complete graphs and finite Bol Loops of Exponent 2
(with A. Stein), 16 pages (to appear).
- On Permutation Polytopes, Advances in Mathematics 222, No. 2 (2009), 431 -- 452.
- A method of Bender applied to groups of J3-type, Journal of
Group Theory 11 No. 6 (2008), 779 -- 797.
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Twisted Subgroups and Transversals, accepted at the
International Symmetry Conference, Edinburgh 2007.
- A geometry for groups of J3-type, Archiv der Mathematik,
88 Nr. 6 (2007), 491 - 499.
- Regular subgroups of primitive permutation groups,
J. Algebra 310 (2007), 569 - 618.
- Regular subgroups of primitive permutation groups of unitary type,
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc 12 (2005), 1 - 17.
- On groups with subgroups of prime power index,
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 62 (2000), 407 - 422.
- A characterization of the Petersen-type geometry of the McLaughlin group,
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. (2000),
128, 21 - 44
(with A.A. Ivanov, D.V. Pasechnik).
- On flag-transitive c.c* geometries
admitting a duality, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. 6 (1999), 443 - 454.
- A characterization of the finite soluble groups, Archiv der Mathematik 72 (1999), 167 - 176.
- Erratum: On C2.L-geometries, Geom. Dedic. 75,
No. 2 (1999), 217 (with A. Pasini).
- On the classification of flag-transitive c.c*-geometries,
Geom. Dedic. 75, No. 1 (1999),
1 - 18 (with F. Buekenhout).
- The non-canonical gluings of two affine spaces, in: Trends in Mathematics, A. Pasini ed., pp. 9 - 28
(with G. Stroth).
- On C2.L-geometries, Geom. Dedic. 71 (1998), 33 - 59
(with A. Pasini).
- Factorizations of primitive permutation groups,
J. Algebra 194 (1997), 631 - 653.
- A computer free construction of the third group
of Janko, J. Algebra, 192 (1997), 780 - 809.
- The universal covers of certain semibiplanes Europ. J. Combin., 18 (1997), 491 - 496 (with D.V. Pasechnik).
- On flat flag-transitive c.c*-geometries,
J. Algebraic Combin. 6 (1997), 5 - 26 (with A. Pasini).
- GF(2)-expansions,
Geom. Dedic. 67 (1997), 163 - 1997 (with T. Meixner, A. Pasini).
- The universal covers of the sporadic semibiplanes, Europ. J. Combin. 17 (1996), 595 - 604 (with D.V. Pasechnik).
- Flag-transitive c.Af*-geometries,
Contributions to Algebra and Geom. 37 (1996), 231 - 258
(with A. Del Fra, T. Meixner, A. Pasini).
- Two new sporadic semibiplanes related to M22,
Europ. J. of Combin. 15 (1994), 325 - 336.
- On flag-transitive c.c*-geometries, in Groups, difference sets, and the Monster, Proceedings of the
Ohio State Conference (May 1993), K.T. Arasu et al., 3 - 23.
- A characterization of the third group of Janko,
(Großteil meiner Doktorarbeit).
- Factorizations of groups and Permutation groups, Habilitation thesis, MLU Halle, 2004
- Dual extended quadrangles - a characterization of the third group of Janko, PhD-thesis, FU Berlin 1996