Andreas Arnez,
Konrad Polthier,
Martin Steffens, Christian
video "Touching Soap Films" is an educational film about the world
of SOAP FILMS, or in mathematical words, the world of MINIMAL
SURFACES. Few other physical problems have influenced as many
branches of mathematics in the past 200 years as have the study of
soap films. A soap film is physically similar to a piece of rubber
surface which tries to contract itself under surface tension to a
surface with least area. Surfaces with least area appear as
optimal solutions of many problems, for example, since the
1960's, they have been used in architecture as models for light
roof constructions such as the Olympic stadium in Munich. Also, in
crystallography, physics and chemistry soap films are used as
separating surfaces between grids of atoms.
The young boy Kalle (here) is the main actor in the video. He explores the palace of soap films and dives into the science of minimal surfaces. The video is intended for pupils and popular scientifically interested people. Nevertheless, most of the geometric animations come from latest mathematical research on minimal surfaces, and most material is new even for experts.
Short Introduction and detailed Booklet
Scenes from the Video
Cover Pages of Distributed Versions
Order Forms
Literature on Minimal Surface
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