The MathFilm DVD presents a juried collection of innovative short math videos. The films are winners of the international competition of the MathFilm Festival 2008. Following the May premiere in Berlin, the festival films are shown in public viewings throughout Germany. The festival is part of the “Year of Mathematics” initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The films target a broad audience of students, teachers, and everyone with an interest in mathematics. The topics range from geometry to graphics, from computing to visualization, from historic to modern achievements, from abstract mathematical worlds to real-world applications. The DVD provides entertaining and informative insights into modern mathematics and is an exciting resource for lively school and university courses.
The DVD version is available in English and German, for example, at:
MathFilm Festival 2008
- Eine Sammlung mathematischer Kurzfilme (deutsch)
MathFilm Festival 2008
- A collection of mathematical videos (English)
- Springer: MathFilm Festival 2008 - A collection of mathematical videos (English)
Details of all videos on the DVD:
- Counting Beyond Infinity
- Möbius Transformations Revealed
- Flatland: The Movie (Short Clip)
- Growing a Hyperdodecahedron
- Facelab
- The Digital Heart
- Periodic Timetable Optimization
- Numbers in Motion
- Quantus (Excerpt)
- Dice
- Attack of the Note Sheep
- The Shape of Search
- The Borromean Rings
- Chebyshev's Foot-Stepping Machine
- A Semi-Lagrangian Contouring Method for Fluid Simulation
- MESH (Bubble Excerpt)
Have a look at the MathFilm Festival 2008 homepage for more detailed information.