Intelligent Systems and Robotics |
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Image Processing (Bildverarbeitung)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Advanced Robotics
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (presence)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics (presence)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (presence)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Image Processing (Bildverarbeitung)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics (online
/ hybrid)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course, online / hybrid)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring, together
with Prof. Marco Block-Berlitz
Bachelor's course (Vorlesung): Algorithms and Programming 2, Object-Oriented
Programming (Algorithmen und Programmierung 2, Objektorientierte Programmierung,
online teaching)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course, online teaching)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Image Processing (Bildverarbeitung,
online teaching)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course, online teaching)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotic (block
course, online teaching)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics (block
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Software Project: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Image Processing (Bildverarbeitung)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring, Dr. Tim
Master's course (Vorlesung): Image Processing (Bildverarbeitung)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Softwareprojekt: Self-Driving Cars
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring
Seminar: Self-Driving Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Raul Rojas, Prof.
Dr. Daniel Göhring, Dr. Tim Landgraf
Master's course (Vorlesung in Vertretung, Substitute Lecturer): Mustererkennung
/ Pattern Recognition
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Göhring, Fritz
Seminar: Autonomous Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Dr. Daniel Göhring
Master's course (Vorlesung und Tutorium): Introduction to Robotics
Lecturer: Dr. Daniel Göhring, Fritz Ulbrich
Seminary: Autonomous Cars (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. Raul Rojas, Miao Wang,
Tinosch Ganjineh, Dr. Daniel Göhring
SWP: Computerfahrschule - Rangieren und Einparken / Driving School - Maneuvering
and Parking (block course)
Lecturer: Prof. H.-D. Burkhard
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (as Tutor)
Lecturer: Prof. H.-D. Burkhard
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (as Tutor)
Lecturer: Prof. H.-D. Burkhard
Applied Informatics II (Prolog) (as Tutor)
Lecturer: Prof. H.-D. Burkhard
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (as Tutor)
Lecturer: Daniel Göhring
Seminary: Object
Modeling in Robotics
Lecturer: Prof. H.-D. Burkhard
Modern Methods of Artificial Intelligence (Practical)
Lecturer: Prof. H.-D. Burkhard
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (as Tutor)
Lecturer: Prof. H.-D. Burkhard
Applied Informatics II (Prolog) (as Tutor)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. H.-D. Burkhard
Cognitive Robotics (Practical)
Lecturer: Prof. H.-D. Burkhard
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (as Tutor)
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