List of submitted publications:
L. Putzig, D. Becherer and I. Horenko
Optimization of futures portfolio utilizing numerical market phase-detection
Submitted to SIAM Fin. Math. (2009)
I. Horenko and Ch. Schütte
On metastable conformational analysis of non-equilibrium biomolecular time series
Submitted to SIAM Mult. Mod. Sym. (2009)
List of peer-reviewed publications
I. Horenko
On Clustering of Non-stationary Meteorological Time Series
published electronically in Dyn. of Atm. and Oc. (2009), DOI 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2009.04.003
I. Horenko
On robust estimation of low-frequency variability trends in discrete Markovian sequences of atmospheric circulation patterns
J. Atm. Sci. 66 (7), pp. 2059-2072 (2009)
I. Horenko
Finite Element Approach to Clustering of Multidimensional Time Series
to appear in SIAM J. Sci. Comp. (2008)
I. Horenko
On Simultaneous Data-Based Dimension Reduction and Hidden Phase Identification
J. Atm. Sci 65 (6), pp. 1941-1954 (2008)
I. Horenko, S. Dolaptchiev, A. Eliseev, I. Mokhov, and R. Klein
Metastable Decomposition of High-Dimensional Meteorological Data with Gaps
J. Atm. Sci. 65 (11), pp. 3479-3496 (2008)
I. Horenko and Ch. Schütte
Likelihood-Based Estimation of Multidimensional Langevin Models and its Application to Biomolecular Dynamics
SIAM Mult. Mod. Sim. 7 (2), pp. 731-773 (2008)
I. Horenko, E. Dittmer, F. Lankas, J. Maddocks, Ph. Metzner, and Ch. Schütte
Macroscopic Dynamics of Complex Metastable Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and Application to B-DNA
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 7 (2), pp. 532-560 (2008)
Ch. Franzke, I. Horenko, A. J. Majda and R. Klein
Systematic Metastable Atmospheric Regime Identification in an AGCM"
To appear in J. Atm. Sci. (2008)
I. Horenko, R. Klein,S. Dolaptchiev and Ch. Schütte
Automated Generation of Reduced Stochastic Weather Models I: Simultaneous Dimension and Model reduction for Time Series Analysis
SIAM Mult. Mod. Sim. 6 (4), pp. 1125-1145 (2008)
I. Horenko, C. Hartmann, Ch. Schütte, and F. Noé
Data-based Parameter Estimation of Generalized Multidimensional Langevin Processes
Phys. Rev. E 76 (01), pp. 016706 (2007)
Ph. Metzner, I. Horenko, and Ch. Schütte
Generator Estimation of Markov Jump Processes Based on Incomplete Observations Nonequidistant in Time
Phys. Rev. E 76 (06), pp. 066702 (2007)
F. Noé, I. Horenko, Ch. Schütte, and J. C. Smith
Hierarchical Analysis of Conformational Dynamics in Biomolecules: Transition Networks of Metastable States
J. Chem. Phys. 126 (15), pp. 155102 (2007)
A. Fischer, S. Waldhausen, I. Horenko, E. Meerbach, and Ch. Schütte
Identification of Biomolecular Conformations from Incomplete Torsion Angle Observations by Hidden Markov Models
J. Comp. Chem. 28 (15), pp. 2453-2464 (2007)
E. Meerbach, Ch. Schütte, I. Horenko, and B. Schmidt
Metastable Conformational Structure and Dynamics: Peptides between Gas Phase and Aqueous Solution
In 'Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions' Eds.: O. Kühn and L. Wöste
Series in Chemical Physics 87, pp. 796-806, Springer (2007)
A. Y. Weiße, I. Horenko, and W. Huisinga
Adaptive Approach for Modelling Variability in Pharmacokinetics
In 'Computational Life Sciences II'
Eds.: M. R. Berthold, R. Glen, and I. Fischer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4216, pp. 194-204, Springer (2006)
I. Horenko, E. Dittmer, A. Fischer, and Ch. Schütte
Automated Model Reduction for Complex Systems exhibiting Metastability
SIAM Mult. Mod. Sim. 5 (3), pp. 802-827 (2006)
E. Meerbach, E. Dittmer, I. Horenko, and Ch. Schütte
Multiscale Modelling in Molecular Dynamics: Biomolecular Conformations as Metastable States
In 'Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter: Systems: From Materials to Chemical Biology. Volume I'
Eds.: M. Ferrario, G. Ciccotti, and K. Binder
Lecture Notes in Physics 703, pp. 475-497, Springer (2006)
I. Horenko, J. Schmidt-Ehrenberg, and Ch. Schütte
Set-Oriented Dimension Reduction: Localizing Principal Component Analysis via Hidden Markov Models
In 'Computational Life Sciences II '
Eds.: M.R. Berthold, R. Glen, and I. Fischer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4216, pp. 74-85, Springer (2006)
I. Horenko, S. Lorenz, Ch. Schütte, and W. Huisinga
Adaptive Approach for Non-Linear Sensitivity Analysis of Reaction Kinetics
J. Comp. Chem. 26 (9), pp. 941-948 (2005)
I. Horenko, E. Dittmer, and Ch. Schütte
Reduced Stochastic Models for Complex Molecular Systems
SIAM Comp. Vis. Sci. 9 (2), pp. 89-102 (2005)
I. Horenko, M. Weiser, B. Schmidt, and Ch. Schütte
Fully Adaptive Propagation of the Quantum-Classical Liouville Equation
J. Chem. Phys. 120 (19), pp. 8913-8923 (2004)
I. Horenko and M. Weiser
Adaptive Integration of Molecular Dynamics
J. Comp. Chem. 24 (15), pp. 1921-1929 (2003)
I. Horenko, B. Schmidt, and Ch. Schütte
Multidimensional Classical Liouville Dynamics with Quantum Initial Conditions
J. Chem. Phys. 117 (10), pp. 4643-4650 (2002)
I. Horenko, Ch. Salzmann, B. Schmidt, and Ch. Schütte
Quantum-Classical Liouville Approach to Molecular Dynamics: Surface Hopping Gaussian Phase-Space Packets
J. Chem. Phys. 117 (24), pp. 11075-11088 (2002)
I. Horenko, B. Schmidt, and Ch. Schütte
A Theoretical Model for Molecules Interacting with Intense Laser Pulses: The Floquet-based Quantum-Classical Liouville Equation
J. Chem. Phys. 115 (13), pp. 5733-5743 (2001) |