Teachers' Expectations and Experience in Physical Computing
by Przybylla, Mareen, Henning, Finn, Schreiber, Carla and Romeike, Ralf
Przybylla, Mareen, Henning, Finn, Schreiber, Carla and Romeike, Ralf: Teachers' Expectations and Experience in Physical Computing, In: Dagien.e, Valentina, Hellas, Arto (eds.): International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, Springer, Cham, volume 10696, 2017.
Bibtex Code:
	Author = {Przybylla, Mareen and Henning, Finn and Schreiber, Carla and Romeike, Ralf},
	Booktitle = {International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives},
	Date-Added = {2018-06-18 17:32:38 +0000},
	Date-Modified = {2018-10-28 16:14:31 +0100},
	Doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-71483-7_5 Titel anhand dieser DOI in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen},
	Editor = {Dagien{.e}, Valentina and Hellas, Arto},
	Isbn = {978-3-319-71482-0},
	Keywords = {Dissertation,2017,Classroom experience,Computer science education,Expectations and attitudes,Interview study,Physical Computing},
	Pages = {49--61},
	Publisher = {Springer, Cham},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {{Teachers' Expectations and Experience in Physical Computing}},
	Url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-71483-7_5},
	Volume = {10696},
	Year = {2017},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-71483-7_5},
	Bdsk-Url-2 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71483-7_5}}

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