List of Conference activites, Talks and Publications


  • Block-Berlitz M.: "3D-Dokumentationen in der Archäologie: Lehrbuch zu foto- und videobasierten Kampagnen mit Kameras, Multicoptern und Mini-U-Booten mit vielen Beispielen, Videos, Daten und Tipps aus der Praxis", german textbook, first edition, vividus Wissenschaftsverlag LINK

  • 2022

  • Kaiser T., Clemen C., Block-Berlitz M.: "Co-Registration of Videogrammetric Pointclouds with BIM – First conceptual results", Conference on Measurement, Visualisation and Processing in BIM for Design and Construction Management II (MVPBIM2022), Oral presentation, Prague, 2022

  • Rohland H., Franken C., Block-Berlitz M., Batbayar T., Erdenebat U.: "A New Map of the Uyghur Capital Karabalgasun", Preliminary Interpretation of Survey Results in 2007, 2018 and 2019. Available at, 2022

  • Block-Berlitz M., Rohland H., Franken C., Batbayar T., Erdenebat U.: "Large-Scale aerial surveys in Mongolia: Direct versus automated georeferencing methods", CAA-DE, LINK

  • Block-Berlitz M., Heyer D., Creutzburg P., Suthe L.A., Werner P., Bommhardt-Richter M., Rohland H., Ducke B., Kaiser T., Clemen C.: "Visual-Archaeo3D: Towards semi-autonomous graph-based videogrammetric reconstruction pipeline", CHNT 27, LINK

  • Griedel D.-T., Bommhardt-Richter M., Rohland H., Block-Berlitz M., : "Live archaeological underwater documentation campaigns using the Oculus Rift", CHNT 27, LINK

  • Bommhardt-Richter M., Griedel D.-T., Block-Berlitz M.: "Improvements to the radio buoy concept for semi-autonomous control of a UUV based on the BlueROV2", CHNT 27, LINK

  • 2021

  • Block-Berlitz M., Ducke B., Rohland H., Franken C., Suchowska P., Batbayar T., Erdenebat U.: "Area-Optimized, Rapid UAV-Borne Recording of Medivial Heritage in Central Asia", Journal of Field Archaeology, Taylor & Francis, 2021, pp. 1-15, DOI 10.1080/00934690.2021.2007661, LINK

  • Hüttel H.-G., Franken C., Rohland H., Block-Berlitz M., Batbayar T., Erdenebat U.: "Karabalgasun Elevation Dataset, Lidar Survey 2007 and UAV survey 2018/2019", Airborne Laserscanning and data processing (2007-2008): ArcTron 3D GmbH, Milan Gesoservice GmbH. UAV-borne photogrammetric survey by archaeocopter, available at (Hillshade) and (Raw Data), 2021

  • Franken C., Rohland H., Block-Berlitz M., Batbayar T., Erdenebat U.: "Karabalgasun Elevation Dataset, UAV Survey 2018/2019", available at (Hillshade) and (Raw Data), 2021

  • Suthe L., Rohland H., Block-Berlitz M., Franken C.: "Possibilities and Requirements for AR Applications in a Complex Heritage Landscape. An analysis from a technician's and curator's perspective", 26th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 26) in Vienna/Austria, Oral presentation, abstract, 2021

  • Klenk D., Rohland H., Block-Berlitz M., Franken C.: "Rapid and Reproducible Reconstruction of Ancient Architecture by Procedural Generation. Reconstructing the 'Pavillion of the Rise of the Yuan Dynasty' in Karakorum, Mongolia", 26th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 26) in Vienna/Austria, Oral presentation, abstract, 2021

  • Bommhardt-Richter M., Block-Berlitz M.: "Sonar mapping and sampling of underwater archaeological excavations", 26th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 26) in Vienna/Austria, Oral presentation, abstract, 2021

  • Block M., Brüll V., Bommhardt-Richter M.: "Mini-UUV Cousteau II: Automatically georeferencing real-time 3D models from ORB-SLAM - Suitable for underwater scenarios using indirect GPS information", 25th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 25) in Vienna/Austria, Proceedings, 2021

  • Block-Berlitz M.: "Videogrammetry - in a nutshell", Colloquium in Digital Cultural Heritage, Oral presentation, Universität zu Köln, LINK, 2021

  • Block-Berlitz M., Rohland H., Franken C.: "Kombination von Photo- und Videogrammetrie", CAA-DE 2021, Open-Workshop, Workshopprogramm, 2021

  • Block-Berlitz M., Oczipka M.: "Videogrammetry - in a nutshell", Intergeo, Messe Hannover, Oral presentation, 2021

  • Block-Berlitz M., Rohland H.: "Mit Spaten und High-Tech in der Steppe: Forschungen zur Archäologie der mittelalterlichen Nomadenreiche", Seniorenakademie Dresden, Oral presentation, 2021

  • 2020

  • Bommhardt-Richter M., Brüll V., Block M.: "Automatic georeferencing for 3D underwater reconstructions using indirect GPS information", 25th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 25) in Vienna/Austria, Abstract, Oral presentation, 2020

  • Bommhardt-Richter M., Brüll V., Block M.: "Mini-U-Boot Cousteau-II: Semi-autonome Unterwasseranalysen zur Unterstützung in der Gewässerökologie", Technical Report, TR DD-2020-01, HTW Dresden, Germany, 2020, [PDF 7.8 MB]

  • Bommhardt-Richter M., Bochmann H., Block M.: "Cousteau-II: A semi-autonomous underwater recording system for long-term recording", 25th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 25) in Vienna/Austria, Abstract, Poster presentation, 2020

  • Franken C., Rohland H., Block-Berlitz M., Batbayar T., Erdenebat U.: "Remote sensing of large-scale areas at the urban sites of the Mongolian Orkhon Valley using low-cost drones – Preliminary thoughts on the urban layout of the Uyghur capital Qara Balğasun", Vol. 1, Journal of Global Archaeology, PDF, 2020

  • 2019

  • Block M., Rohland H., Franken C.: "QGIS als Forschungswerkzeug in der Archäologie – Anwendungen bei der mongolisch-deutschen Orchon-Expedition", FOSSGIS 2019, Abstract, Tagungsband, pp. 201-207, HTW Dresden, 2019

  • Duc H.D., Block M., Rohland H., Franken C.: "Resurrection of the Mongolian Steppe Empire: Data Recording, Reconstruction and Automated Interpretation", 24th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 24) in Vienna/Austria, 2019 (Proceedings in print)

  • Block M.: "4D-Reconstruction: Monitoring Archaeological Sites and Findings Using Automated Classification Techniques", Leopoldina-IASH Symposium "Computational Archeology", Joint Symposium of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, [Link], Jerusalem/Israel, 2019

  • Block M., Bommhardt-Richter M., Bochmann H.: "Robust radio link solution for a semi-autonomous underwater vehicle", 24th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 24) in Vienna/Austria, 2019 (Proceedings in print)
    [PDF 60 MB]

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "Structure-From-Motion - Vom Einzelbild zur 3D-Rekonstruktion", Archäologie Weltweit, Archäologie trifft Hightech, Magazin des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 2-2019 [PDF]

  • Block M.: "MIT DEM TAUCHROBOTER ZU DEN UNESCO-PFAHLBAUTEN", Vortrag in der Vortragsreihe UNESCO-Welterbe Pfahlbauten – das unsichtbare Welterbe in Keutschach/Austria [Link], 2019

  • Franken C., Rohland H., Block M.: "Karabalgasun und Karakorum - Neue Ergebnisse zu der Erforschung zweier spätnomadischer Stadtsiedlungen im mongolischen Orchontal", 362. Hauskolloquium Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Vorträge im Wiegandhaus), LINK, Berlin/Germany, 2019

  • Block M.: "Warum sich der Dino furchtbar erschreckte: Beleuchtung und Rendering mit Java, LWJGL, OpenGL und GLSL", Book, first edition, ISBN: 978-3-9819362-3-0, vividus Wissenschaftsverlag, 2019

  • Block M.: "Warum sich der Dino furchtbar erschreckte - Studierendenausgabe: Beleuchtung und Rendering mit Java, LWJGL, OpenGL und GLSL", Book, first edition, ISBN: 978-3-9819362-1-6, vividus Wissenschaftsverlag, 2019

  • 2018

  • Block M., Franken C., Rohland H., Haferland A, Gehmlich B., Görsch N., Bochmann H.: "Documenting more than 5000 ha in Mongolia in five days using low-cost drones", Congress Visual Heritage, 23rd Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 23) in Vienna/Austria, Abstract, 2018

  • Block M., Gehmlich B., Bommhardt-Richter M., Görsch N., Bochmann H., Haferland A., Gunnarsson K., Löw C., Dworsky C.: "Using Aerial Documentation for Underwater Georeferencing at UNESCO Pile Dwellings "See am Mondsee" in Austria", Abstract, Oral presentation, Congress Visual Heritage, 23rd Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 23) in Vienna/Austria, 2018

  • Bommhardt-Richter M., Block M., Gehmlich B.: "ArchaeoPlanner: Planning semi-autonomous underwater campaigns", Abstract, Poster presentation, Congress Visual Heritage, 23rd Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 23) in Vienna/Austria, 2018, [PDF 14 MB]

  • Block M., Gehmlich B., Bommhardt-Richter M., Bochmann H.: "Archaeological underwater documentations with Manio", Abstract, Poster presentation, Congress Visual Heritage, 23rd Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 23) in Vienna/Austria, 2018, [PDF 7 MB]

  • Block M., Bommhardt-Richter M., Gehmlich B., Wittchen D., Burggraf D., Zeisberg S., Görsch N., Gunnarsson K., Bochmann H., Haferland A., Dworsky C.: "Mini-U-Boot Manio: Echtzeitbasierte, semi-autonome Unterwasserdokumentationen", Technical Report, TR DD-2018-01, FIITS, HTW Dresden, Germany, 2018, [PDF 21 MB]

  • Block M.: "Wintertrainingslager für die Dokumentation im März 2019", Blog-Beitrag,, 20.12.2018

  • Block M.: "Manios erste eigene Schritte mit Unterstützung aus der Luft", Blog-Beitrag,, 04.05.2018

  • Block M.: "Wasserroboter Manio nabelt sich ab", Blog-Beitrag,, 30.03.2018

  • 2017

  • Block M., Gehmlich B., Hettmanczyk D.: "Automatic Underwater Image Enhancement using Improved Dark Channel Prior", In: Journal of Studies in Digital Heritage, Indiana University, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 566-589, [PDF]

  • Block M., Dworsky C., Löw C., Seidl da Fonseca H., Gehmlich B., Wittchen D., Görsch N., Suchowska P., Ducke B.: "Underwater Videogrammetry with Adaptive Feature Detection at 'See am Mondsee', Austria", In: Journal of Studies in Digital Heritage, Indiana University, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 547-565, [PDF]

  • Block M., Gehmlich B., Wittchen D., Ducke B.: "ARCHAEO-BASE: A benchmark collection for computer vision and 3d reconstruction of real underwater scenarios", 22nd Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 22) in Vienna/Austria

  • Block M., Wittchen D., Gehmlich B., Zeisberg S.: "Archaeonomous: Towards semi-autonomous underwater documentations at 'See am Mondsee'", 22nd Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 22) in Vienna/Austria

  • Görsch N.: "Ptolemy's Geography and the Tabulae modernae. A comparision using the exampe of the Arabian Pensinsula", 22nd Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 22) in Vienna/Austria

  • Block M., Kroefges P.: "Low-cost and efficient 3D Videogrammetry in the Archaeology of the Huastec Region", Archäologie-Symposium, Goetheinstitute, Mexico City/Mexico, 2017

  • Block M., Gehmlich B., Wittchen D., Ducke B.: "Videogrammetry in a nutshell", 2+3D - Photography Practice and Prophecies (2+3D 2017) at Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam/Netherlands

  • Block M., Gehmlich B., Wittchen D.: "Archaeonautic: Eckbert-II dokumentiert UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe in Österreich und Schiffswrack in Kroatien", 8. Workshop der AG CAA DE, Heidelberg/Germany, 2017

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "Neue Technologien für die Unterwasserarchäologie: Preiswerte, schnelle 3D-Dokumentation per Videogrammetrie", 331. Hauskolloquium Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Vorträge im Wiegandhaus), Berlin/Germany, 2017

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "Mini-U-Boot Eckbert-II entdeckt die Welt der Unterwasserarchäologie", WissenD, HTW Dresden, PDF, January 2017

  • Block M.: "Digitalisierung in der Archäeologie – Projekte Archaeocopter/Archaeonautic", Dresdner Transferbrief 1.17, Dresden, Februar 2017

  • Block M.: "Im Mondsee-Trainingslager mit Manio und Sturm Herwart", Blog-Beitrag,, 04.11.2017

  • Block M.: "Archaeonautic - Mit neuem ROV in den Mondsee", Blog-Beitrag,, 23.10.2017

  • Block M.: "Das Mini-U-Boot Eckbert-II auf Mondseefahrt", Blog-Beitrag,, 26.03.2017

  • 2016

  • Block M., Dworsky C., Löw C., Gehmlich B., Wittchen D., Görsch N., Ducke B.: "Archaeonautic: Low-cost and efficient 3D Videogrammetry meets Palafittes at Mondsee/Austria", 21st Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 21) in Vienna/Austria

  • Hettmanczyk D., Block M., Gehmlich B.: "JEnhancer: Automatic Enhancement Toolkit for Underwater Images", 21st Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 21) in Vienna/Austria

  • Scholz R., Bekic L., Block M.: "Geo-referencing from Photo-based Documentation in Freshwater and Marine Archaeology", 21st Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 21) in Vienna/Austria

  • Görsch N., Gehmlich B., Block M.: "Structuring the Motion", ScienceSlam, 21st Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 21) in Vienna/Austria

  • Block M., Gehmlich B., Wittchen D.: "Eckbert-II: Mini-U-Boot zur Sondierung und Dokumentation von archäologischen Fundstellen", Technical Report, TR DD-2016-01, FIITS, HTW Dresden, Germany, 2016, [PDF 40 MB]

  • Gehmlich B., Block M.: "Archaeonautic: Towards best practice in underwater archaeology", Dies Academicus at HTW Dresden/Germany

  • Block M., Gehmlich B.: "Archaeocopter: Echtzeit-3D-Rekonstruktionen durch Videogrammetrie", 7. Workshop der AG CAA DE, Hamburg/Germany, 2016
    Received the Best Paper Award

  • Gehmlich B., Block M., Wittchen D., Rojas R.: "UAV-gestützte 3D-Rekonstruktion archäologischer Grabungen: Planung, Aufnahme und Prozessierung", 7. Workshop der AG CAA DE, Hamburg/Germany, 2016

  • Oczipka M., Block M., Hofmann J.: "Umwelt-Monitoring in der Mongolei", WissenD, HTW Dresden, PDF, January 2016

  • 2015

  • Block M., Rojas R., Oczipka M., Suchowska-Ducke P., Gehmlich B., Wittchen D., Görsch N., Kmoch M., Schiemank T., Coburger C.: "Archaeocopter: Towards Best Practice in Videogrammetry", 20th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 20) in Vienna/Austria

  • Gehmlich B., Block M.: "Diversity of Flight Strategies in UAV Recording", 20th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 20) in Vienna/Austria, [PDF 1.73 MB]

  • Block M., Ducke B., Martinez Mora E., Kroefges P., Rojas R., Suchowska-Ducke P.: "Low-cost and efficient, UAV-based 3D videogrammetry in Tamtoc/Mexico", 20th European Maya Conference, The Maya in a Digital World, (EMC 2015), Bonn/Germany

  • Gehmlich B., Block M.: "Flight planning for low cost UAVs", 19. Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague - HTW Dresden, Dresden/Germany, 2015

  • Block M., Ducke B., Gehmlich B., Görsch N., Stark S.: "Towards best practice in 3D reconstruction from video streams with low-cost UAV kits", Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2015), Siena/Italy

  • 2014

  • Ducke B.: "An integrative approach to archaeological landscape evaluation: locational preferences, site preservation and uncertainty mapping", In Erwin Meylemans, Jean Poesen & Ingrid In 't Ven (eds.): The Archaeology of Erosion, the Erosion of Archaeology Proceedings of the Brussels Conference, April 28-30, 2008 (Relicta Monografieën 9 Archeologie, Monumenten- en Landschapsonderzoek in Vlaanderen; Heritage Research in Flanders), pp. 13-22, 2014

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "Flying Archaeologists with consumer grade hardware and free software", Workshop Z-Generation - creating digital elevation (ZGENERATION 2014), Bern/Switzerland

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "My drone is cheaper than yours: the possibilites of UAVs and image-based 3D reconstruction using consumer grade hardware", 19th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 19) in Vienna/Austria

  • Schiemank T., Gehmlich B., Block M., Ducke B.: "The future: autonomous, flying archoelogists", 19th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 19) in Vienna/Austria

  • Block M., Gehmlich B., Schiemank T., Görsch N., Coburger C., Albert R., Ducke B. Buhlke-Richter A., Jung R., Pacciarelli M., Oczipka M., Rojas R.: "The flying Archaeologist meets Zambrone", Videocontest, 19th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 19) in Vienna/Austria
    Received the Best Video Award

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "Low-cost and rapid 3D documentation of archaeological sites with UAV-captured video streams", Comité International Pour La Documentation (CIDOC 2014), Dresden/Germany

  • Block M., Ducke B., Dorninger P., Briese C.: Session Chairs for Session "UAV4urban_archaeology: Recording archaeological sites and monuments with UAVs" at the 19th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 19) in Vienna/Austria

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "Advances in the fully automated extraction of 3D site and object models: efficient processing of UAV-acquired video streams", DigitalSpecimen 2014, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin/Germany

  • Block M., Ducke B., Kroefges P., Martinez Mora E., Rojas R.: "Low-cost and efficient UAV-based 3D documentation in Tamtoc (Mexico)", Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2014), Paris/France

  • Block M., Ducke B., Rojas R.: " UAV-based documentation of archaeological sites with consumer grade hardware and free software", UAV Conference 2014, Excellence Cluster TOPOI, 2014

  • Ducke B., Block M.: "Bildbasierte 3D-Rekonstruktion für die Dokumentation archäologischer Stätten am Beispiel von Tamtoc/Mexiko", Prähistorisches Kolloquium, Öffentliche Vortragsreihe, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte [Link], Erlangen, 2014

  • Block M.: "Der fliegende Archäologe - Anwenderorientierte Projektentwicklung in der Forschung", World Usability Day 2014, TU Dresden, Dresden (TU Dresden Webseite)

  • Gehmlich B., Schiemanck T.: "Autonomous flying machines today and in the future", 18. Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague - HTW Dresden, 2014

  • Block M.: "Mit Hightech auf den Spuren von Indiana Jones", 146. Fakultätsseminar, Faculty of Informatics/Mathematics, University of Applied Sciences Dresden, 2014

  • Block M., Schubert C., Ducke D., Rojas R., Schiemank T., Gehmlich B.: "Das Projekt Archaeocopter - Multikopter im Einsatz für die Archäologie", 6. Fachtagung der Fachgruppe Archäologische Ausgrabung im Verband der Restauratoren (VDR), 2014

  • Block M.: "Der fliegende Archäologe - Ein Multicopter liefert Aufnahmen von archäologischen Ausgrabungen aus denen 3D-Modelle entwickelt werden", HAW-Broschüre, Gemeinsam forschen - Forschung an den sächsischen Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften in Dresden, Leipzig, Mittweida, Zittau/Görlitz und Zwickau, 2014

  • 2013

  • Ducke B.: "Reproducible Data Analysis and the Open Source Paradigm in Archaeology", In A. Bevan & M. Lake (eds.): Computational approaches to archaeological spaces (Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, CA), pp. 307-318, 2013

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "Recording Archaeology with Low-cost UAV: the Archaeocopter Project", Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 18) [Link], Vienna/Austria, 2013

  • Ducke B., Block M., Schiemanck T., Gehmlich B.: "Archaeocopter: Recording Archaeology with Low-cost UAV and SfM", CAA Chapter NL-FL 2013 [Link], Brüssel/Belgien, 2013

  • Block M., Ducke B., Gräf D., Rojas R.: "The "Archaeocopter" Project: Airborne, Image-based Documentation of Saxony's Heritage", 6th International Congress Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin [Link], Athen/Greece, 2013

  • Block M., Ducke B., Kubbutat M.: "The flying archaeologist", Videocontest, Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 18) [Youtube], Vienna/Austria, 2013

  • Ducke B., Højlund F., Rose Andersen J., Suchowska P.: "Image-based Reconstruction: Flexible and Low-cost 3D Recording of Architecture", Artefacts, Anything. In: R. Franken-Wendelstorf, E. Lindinger & J. Sieck (eds.): Kultur und Informatik: Visual Worlds & Interactive Spaces (Verlag Werner Hülsbusch: Glückstadt), pp. 147-157, 2013

  • Gehmlich B., Schiemanck T., Albert R., Ducke B., Block M.: "Optocopter, Archaeocopter", 17. Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague - HTW Dresden, 2013

  • Schiemanck T., Gehmlich B., Albert R., Ducke B., Block M.: "Das Projekt Archaeocopter", 1. Gemeinsame wissenschaftliche Konferenz der sächsischen Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften [PDF], Poster, Mittweida, 2013

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "Der fliegende Archäologe: Indiana Jones oder Carlson vom Dach?", Campushunter WiSe 2013/2014 [PDF], pp. 130-131, 2013

  • Block M., Ducke B.: "Archäocopter - Der fliegende Archäologe, Angewandte Forschung in der Denkmalpflege", WissenD, HTW Dresden [PDF], pp. 25-27, 2013

  • Project partners