Computer Systems & Telematics Embedded Sensor Boards

Advice for Students

You want to work with me? I really looking forward to this! Below you find some basic publication pointers in the field of computer networking and special remarks regarding my communication policy.

Workshops, Conferences, Journals etc.

Doing literature research in the field of computer networking is not an easy task due to the plethora of publication venues. There are several approaches to open up related work (general-purpose vs. context-dependent search engines etc.). You should consider all of them to gather a complete view. Below you find a list of publication venues that are usually considered as relevant in the field I'm working on -- again don't limit yourself to those.

Computer Networking

Internet Measurement

Network Security


Communication Policy


Usually, I'm replying fast to emails. If I don't reply in time (what ever this means in detail), don't hesitate to send me a reminder. Unfortunately, my TODO-stack is much larger compared to previous years, when I was always replying in time. On the other hand, I expect that you reply quickly (less than two days).


Please, feel free to ask questions. I will not be annoyed about so-called stupid questions, but I will get nervous when you ask questions that show lack of involvement.


Please, be prepared. Let me know in decent detail what you did between our last and current meeting. I highly encourage you to take notes during our meetings. Based on my own experiences, I don't remember to all of the relevant details without notes.

Special davice for PhD students and Postdocs

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