Anything else I
would like to say:
(Comments about the submission process or about the conference itself, suggestions for future conferences) |
Regarding last question in Part I: I do not think it would be practical to impose that papers have ALL PROOFS, given the "extended abstract" nature of the SoCG conference submission. But authors should be ENCOURAGED to provide an arXiv or url link to as-complete-as-possible versions of their papers, to help the committee in making the decision. The submission process was clear and easy, but the restriction of not being able to change the abstract later makes an early registration less attractive. I wonder if you have statistics about the time between the first registration step and the second.
Submission process: I disagree on rejecting papers on formal grounds without looking at proportionality or appropriateness. Not all proofs need to be there, but the important or non-obvious should if the statement might otherwise be questionable or may lead to a rejected paper. Also the page numbers need a limitation, but 11 instead of 10 pages (separate title page ;-) are not the issue. In particular since we have appendices, which I find important. I would appreciate a more realistic page limit oriented at the final proceeding space, either by submitting in this final style or some equivalent larger page budget.
For refereeing, a larger page budget but with 11pt and sufficient margins would be more convenient. The submitted work is a generalization of some earlier works.
I had trouble expressing this fact in this questionnaire. Regarding the two-stage submission procedure: I cannot remember if it was cumbersome. It was two months ago.
About the format: as an author, both PS and PDF are fine with me. As a referee I much prefer PDF because the files are smaller and because printing errors are much less frequent than with PS.
Questions about criteria for accepting/rejecting submissions: I have strong opinions about it but I have doubts about whether it is appropriate to give such opinions while the PC is still at work. same reviews apply to our submission on semi-algebraic curves The submission process was much smoother in comparison to the process in last year's SoCG.
As for the length restriction: If the submission is slightly longer than the limit (say the references end only in page 11), this is still OK. However, in case of major deviations, the submission should be rejected.
However, I prefer that the submission have the final format used in the proceedings. This way the final version is likely to be more similar to the refereed one. copied from submission on algebraic curves Submission process was great.
Collecting feedback and statistics is a good idea too.
annoying poll! This paper presents one aspect of my Ph.D. thesis. Some aspects of the paper are not characterized particularly well by the above classification.
Covering, packing, and independent set are standard optimization problems that can appear in a geometric setting. Here the optimization problem was covering.
The full glory of the algorithmic setting was "abstractly geometric", as in the VC dimension. Such a category might be an alternative in the "dimension" category.
Nice questionnaire. Issues that might come up at the business meeting might also be considered here, in an advisory way. For example, a poll on conference location would have a different bias than the one at the business meeting.
Submission via pointer to arXiv preprint would encourage use of the arXiv server, simplify the job of collecting submissions, and underline the peculiarity of submitting to a conference in order to publicize a paper that is already easily available world-wide.
Some pre-submission details whether emphasis is on certain applied / theory issues would be helpful -- e.g., will there be a biogeometry session?
The proposed algorithm is currently implemented as a prototype. However, we expect that the implementation will be at the stage of serious applications around the time of SoCG conference. This survey was very annoying. This survey is even more annoying the second time around. Part I: I think one answer was missing for:
How did you like the two-stage electronic submission procedure?
Answer: It was OK (the listed ones were either on one side or the
A general wish on future submission procedures: that they are as easy
as possible, and don't take more than 10 (real) minutes.
Part II. I think this survey could be further improved and
also made shorter (regarding final question above).
A wish about the statistics which will be prepared:
to report accurately on the number of algorithms
which will be never implemented.
I hope the statistics will be made available and distributed to the
participants during the symposium (or at least posted on the web).
Please add explanation to the above fields. Some of them are not self explanatory. This form does not provide ample options. For example:
1. Running time (no option to specify results that are linear/polynomial in one parameter - an important one, while treating other parameters as constant, etc.)
2. # of authors does not account for part time students working in industry (therefore numbers dont add up).
3. Final Question about the paper - only the two extremes are available as options (very well OR does not fit at all). The above questions is great, but it clearly has many holes for our particular paper. I would be happy to suggest refinements of your categories for this purpose. Thanks, Chee The paper uses BSP trees, Segment trees, and Sweep Planes
Thus, it could be considered a data structure paper, as well
as an algorithms paper.
The offered categories reflect a traditional view of the work done in computational geometry and need some expansion into computational topology. Quite a few times I would wish there were additional categories. It would be absurd to _require_ that the submission be formatted
differently than the final paper. And a huge waste of time, too.
no author can have more than two papers in one conf submission