Average score (of paper X). This is defined to be the weighted average of the scores given to X, where each score is weighted by its associated confidence.
For paper X and member M, the adjusted score of X for M is defined as follows. We partition the interval between 0 and 9 into intervals, where the length of the interval for paper X is proportional to C(M,X). The intervals are sorted by score S(M,X). Then the normalized score NS(M,X) is the midpoint of the interval containing all papers whose score equals S(M,X).
In formulas: Let TC(M) denote the sum over Y of C(M,Y). Let CL(M,X) be the sum of C(M,Y) over all Y such that S(M,Y) is less than S(M,X) and let CE(M,X) be the sum of C(M,Y) over all Y such that S(M,Y)=S(M,X). Then the normalized score NS(M,X) is defined to be 9*[CL(M,X)+CE(M,X)/2]/TC(M).
Note that the resulting scale makes the normalized score of the papers evenly spaced between 0 and 9, so that the score and the normalized score can't be directly compared (although the rankings with respect to these two scores can).