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java.lang.Object | +----java.awt.Component | +----java.awt.Canvas | +----resample.RVHistogram
xSize,ySize: canvas-dimension ResampleVector: vector with the data to present
the values are listed line by line, the stars offer an immediate overview about the distribution
protected int xSize
protected int ySize
protected int rangeLeft
protected ResampleVector resVec
protected String xDescription
protected String xValue[]
protected double yValue[]
protected int arrElements
protected ResampleVector resVecSort
public RVHistogram(int xSize, int ySize, ResampleVector resVec)
xSize,ySize: canvas-dimension ResampleVector: vector with the data to present
public String[] getXValues()
public double[] getYValues(boolean fRescaleToAbsolut)
public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException
the values are listed line by line, the stars offer an immediate overview about the distribution
public Dimension preferredSize()
public Dimension minimumSize()
public void setFont(String fontName, int fontStyle, int fontSize)
Parameters: name, style and size of the font
public void setColor(Color foreColor, Color backColor)
public void paint(Graphics g)
It reads the data from the two arrays xValue and yValue which are filled by the method calculateHistoArray of the actual subclass. There are three predefinded subclasses: Linear, Compressed and PartSums.
Users of this package can define further subclasses by implementing a special calculation-method for presenting the data in exactly the way they want it. They just have to fill the two arrays individually.
All subclasses use the same paint-method. It starts with the first pair of array-elements and proceeds until the end of the array or the size of the canvas is reached.
protected int calculateDeltaX(Graphics g, FontMetrics fm, int deltaCharX)
protected int calculateDeltaY(Graphics g, int deltaCharY)
protected void scaleYToPercent()
protected abstract void calculateHistoArray()
protected int getValueArrayCapacity(ResampleVector resVecSort)
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