Index of all Fields and Methods
All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


abs(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Converts all vector elements to their absolute values
add(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Adds to every vector element the given value
add(ResampleVector). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Adds to every vector element the corresponding parameter vector element.
addElement(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Adds the specified object as the last element of the vector.
arrElements. Variable in class resample.RVHistogram


calculateDeltaX(Graphics, FontMetrics, int). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
calculateDeltaY(Graphics, int). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
calculateHistoArray(). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
the subclasses have to implement this method in order to calculate the x-and yValue-arrays
calculateHistoArray(). Method in class resample.RVHistogramCompressed
the subclasses have to implement this method in order to calculate the x-and yValue-arrays
calculateHistoArray(). Method in class resample.RVHistogramLinear
the subclasses have to implement this method in order to calculate the x-and yValue-arrays
calculateHistoArray(). Method in class resample.RVHistogramPartSums
the subclasses have to implement this method in order to calculate the x-and yValue-arrays
capacity(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the current capacity of the vector.
capacityIncrement. Variable in class resample.ResampleVector
The size of the increment.
clear(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Clears the vector
clone(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Clones the vector.
concat(ResampleVector). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Appends the parameter vector to the original vector
contains(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns true if the specified element is a value of the collection.
copy(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Clones the vector.
copyInto(double[]). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Copies the elements of this vector into the specified array.
count(int, double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the number of elements with a certain [value].
count(RVPredicate). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the number of elements which fullfill [predicate].


description. Variable in class resample.ResampleVector
The description for the vector (optional).
divide(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Divides every vector element by the given value
divide(ResampleVector). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Divides every vector element by the corresponding parameter vector element.


elementAt(int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the element at the specified index.
elementCount. Variable in class resample.ResampleVector
The number of elements in the buffer.
elementData. Variable in class resample.ResampleVector
The buffer where elements are stored.
elements(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns an enumeration of the elements.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Ensures that the vector has at least the specified capacity.


filter(int, double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Transfers only certain elements from the original vector into a new vector.
filter(RVPredicate). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Transfers only certain elements from the original vector into a new vector.
firstElement(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the first element of the sequence.


generate(int, int, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Enters [count] random integer numbers into the vector starting at element 0.
generate(int, int, int, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Enters [count] random integer numbers into the vector.
generate(int, RVRandomProcess). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Enters [count] random numbers into the vector starting at element 0.
generate(int, RVRandomProcess, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Enters [count] random numbers into the vector .
getChiSquare(int, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the chi-square-value of this vector compared to a uniform non-negative (!) integer distribution of interval [min,max].
getChiSquare(ResampleVector). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Compares two vectors and returns the chi-square-value.
getDescription(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Reads the description of the vector.
getPredicate(int, double). Static method in class resample.ResampleVector
getValueArrayCapacity(ResampleVector). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
getXValues(). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
Returns the x-Array of the histogram
getYValues(boolean). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
Returns the y-Array of the histogram


indexOf(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Searches for the specified object, starting from the first position and returns an index to it.
indexOf(double, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Searches for the specified element, starting at the specified position and returns an index to it.
insertElementAt(double, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Inserts the specified element at the specified index.
isEmpty(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns true if the collection contains no values.
isSorted(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Checks if the vector is sorted


lastElement(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the last element of the sequence.
lastIndexOf(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Searches backwards for the specified element, starting from the last position and returns an index to it.
lastIndexOf(double, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Searches backwards for the specified element, starting from the specified position and returns an index to it.


matchValue. Variable in class resample.RVPredicate
value against which to match (used only by certain predicates) example: Predicate EvenNumbers does not use a compare-value, but Predicate GreaterEqual does
max(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the maximum of all elements (0 if the vector is empty).
mean(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the mean of all elements (0 if the vector is empty).
min(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the minimum of all elements (0 if the vector is empty).
minimumSize(). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
multiples(int, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the number of [value]-multiples.
multiples(RVPredicate). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the number of [predicate]-multiples.
multiply(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Multiplies every vector element by the given value
multiply(ResampleVector). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Multiplies every vector element with the corresponding parameter vector element.


nextNumber(). Method in class resample.RVRandomNormalProcess
nextNumber: gets the next pseudorandom, Gaussian ("normally") distributed double value from this random number generator's sequence.
nextNumber(). Method in class resample.RVRandomProcess
Returns the next random number.
nextNumber(). Method in class resample.RVRandomUniformDoubleProcess
Returns the next random number.
nextNumber(). Method in class resample.RVRandomUniformIntProcess
Returns the next random number.
numbers(int, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Enters ascending numbers into the vector starting at the first vector element.
numbers(int, int, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Enters ascending numbers into the vector


paint(Graphics). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
Draws the histogram.
partCount. Variable in class resample.RVHistogramPartSums
preferredSize(). Method in class resample.RVHistogram


quantile(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Computes q'th quantile of distribution represented by ResamplingVector.
quantileWhere(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Inverse quantile: given x, computes q with quantile(q) = x.


rangeLeft. Variable in class resample.RVHistogram
read(InputStream). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Reads the vector data from an input stream (console, file or something else).
removeAllElements(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Removes all elements of the vector.
removeElement(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Removes the element from the vector.
removeElementAt(int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Deletes the element at the specified index.
ResampleVector(). Constructor for class resample.ResampleVector
Constructs an empty vector.
ResampleVector(int). Constructor for class resample.ResampleVector
Constructs an empty vector with the specified storage capacity.
ResampleVector(int, int). Constructor for class resample.ResampleVector
Constructs an empty vector with the specified storage capacity and the specified capacityIncrement.
resVec. Variable in class resample.RVHistogram
resVecSort. Variable in class resample.RVHistogram
runs(int, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the number of clusters of a certain length.
runs(RVPredicate). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the number of clusters of a certain length.
RVDescription. Static variable in class resample.ResampleVector
RVEqual. Static variable in class resample.ResampleVector
RVGreater. Static variable in class resample.ResampleVector
RVGreaterEqual. Static variable in class resample.ResampleVector
RVHistogram(int, int, ResampleVector). Constructor for class resample.RVHistogram
constructor for abstract class:

xSize,ySize: canvas-dimension ResampleVector: vector with the data to present

RVHistogramCompressed(int, int, ResampleVector). Constructor for class resample.RVHistogramCompressed
possible parameters for constructors:

xSize,ySize: canvas-dimension (mandatory)
ResampleVector: vector with the data to present (mandatory)
rangeLeft: show only x-values >= rangeLeft (optional)

rangeLeft makes sense if the vector contains too many elements for the size of the canvas.

RVHistogramCompressed(int, int, ResampleVector, int). Constructor for class resample.RVHistogramCompressed
RVHistogramLinear(int, int, ResampleVector). Constructor for class resample.RVHistogramLinear
possible parameters for constructors:

xSize,ySize: canvas-dimension (mandatory)
ResampleVector: vector with the data to present (mandatory)
rangeLeft: show only x-values >= rangeLeft (optional)

rangeLeft makes sense if the vector contains too many elements for the size of the canvas.

RVHistogramLinear(int, int, ResampleVector, int). Constructor for class resample.RVHistogramLinear
RVHistogramPartSums(int, int, ResampleVector, int). Constructor for class resample.RVHistogramPartSums
xSize,ySize: canvas-dimension
ResampleVector: vector with the data to present
partCount: number of parts in which to split vector
RVLess. Static variable in class resample.ResampleVector
RVLessEqual. Static variable in class resample.ResampleVector
RVPredicate(). Constructor for class resample.RVPredicate
constructor (): dummy
RVPredicate(double). Constructor for class resample.RVPredicate
constructor (value): creates a new predicate with to match against
RVPredicateEqual(double). Constructor for class resample.RVPredicateEqual
RVPredicateEvenNumbers(). Constructor for class resample.RVPredicateEvenNumbers
RVPredicateGreater(double). Constructor for class resample.RVPredicateGreater
RVPredicateGreaterEqual(double). Constructor for class resample.RVPredicateGreaterEqual
RVPredicateLess(double). Constructor for class resample.RVPredicateLess
RVPredicateLessEqual(double). Constructor for class resample.RVPredicateLessEqual
RVRandomNormalProcess(). Constructor for class resample.RVRandomNormalProcess
constructor (): creates a new Random-object of normal distributed values with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
RVRandomNormalProcess(double, double). Constructor for class resample.RVRandomNormalProcess
constructor (mean,standardDeviation): creates a new Random-object of normal distributed values with mean [mean] and standard deviation [standardDeviation]
RVRandomProcess(). Constructor for class resample.RVRandomProcess
RVRandomProcess(int, int). Constructor for class resample.RVRandomProcess
RVRandomUniformDoubleProcess(). Constructor for class resample.RVRandomUniformDoubleProcess
constructor (): creates a Random-object without interval for the random-methods to match.
RVRandomUniformDoubleProcess(int, int). Constructor for class resample.RVRandomUniformDoubleProcess
constructor (int min, int max): creates a Random-object with interval [min,max] for the random-methods to match
RVRandomUniformIntProcess(). Constructor for class resample.RVRandomUniformIntProcess
constructor (): creates a Random-object without interval for the random-methods to match.
RVRandomUniformIntProcess(int, int). Constructor for class resample.RVRandomUniformIntProcess
constructor (int min, int max): creates a Random-object with interval [min,max] for the random-methods to match


sample(int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Draws a sample of the vector.
scaleYToPercent(). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
score(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Adds [value] as element to the vector
scoreCounts(ResampleVector). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Scores for each element of the parameter vector the number of occurrences into the object vector.
set(double[]). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Initializes the vector with a value-array starting at first vector element
set(double[], int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Initializes the vector with a value-array.
set(int, double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Enters [count] times [value] into the vector starting at the first vector element
set(int, double, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Enters [count] times [value] into the vector.
setColor(Color, Color). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
Sets color and backcolor.
setDescription(String). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Sets the description of the vector.
setElementAt(double, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Sets the element at the specified index to be the specified object.
setFont(String, int, int). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
Sets new font with desired properties.
setSize(int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Sets the size of the vector.
shuffle(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Shuffles the vector.
size(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
sort(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Sorts the vector.
subtract(double). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Subtracts from every vector element the given value.
subtract(ResampleVector). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Subtracts from every vector element the corresponding parameter vector element.
sum(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Returns the sum over all elements (0 if the vector is empty).


take(int, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Draws the elements of interval [rangeLeft,rangeRight] of the vector.
test(double). Method in class resample.RVPredicateEqual
test(double). Method in class resample.RVPredicateEvenNumbers
test(double). Method in class resample.RVPredicateGreater
test(double). Method in class resample.RVPredicateGreaterEqual
test(double). Method in class resample.RVPredicateLess
test(double). Method in class resample.RVPredicateLessEqual
toString(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Converts the vector to a string.
trimToSize(). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Trims the vector's capacity down to size.


write(OutputStream). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
Writes the vector data into an output stream (console, file or something else).
write(OutputStream). Method in class resample.RVHistogram
Writes the histogram data to an output stream in the following form: value count
1 5 *****
2 10 **********
4 1 *

the values are listed line by line, the stars offer an immediate overview about the distribution

write(OutputStream, int). Method in class resample.ResampleVector
See write-method above.


xDescription. Variable in class resample.RVHistogram
xSize. Variable in class resample.RVHistogram
xValue. Variable in class resample.RVHistogram


ySize. Variable in class resample.RVHistogram
yValue. Variable in class resample.RVHistogram