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6 Critical Points and Local Probes

Local properties of, say, a flow field and the related tensor field may be rendered by geometric symbols, which are placed at points of interest (critical points, vortex cores etc.) [25][16][13]. Icons assemble the local mathematical data and display-directives; a set of icons is gathered in a linked list.

Figure 6:   A sketch of the data structure holding information on time-dependent icons. Each node corresponds to a particular position in space and time; columns of nodes form time cuts; horizontally linked nodes correspond to points of the (possibly forked) line in space-time described by an icon.

Naturally, a time-dependent field requires mobile icons (cf. Fig. 7) that e.g. drift along particle paths or stay in the center of a moving vortex, that arise, end, split and merge just as the inspected local phenomena do. Such dynamic processes may be represented by time-icons: a tree describes the evolution of a flock of . At each time-step we have a list of icon nodes; each genuine node represents a particular icon at a particular time (cf. Fig.6); it contains

Along each of those links that connect the successive states of an icon an interpolation can be defined. Therefore, we can extract an interpolated list of at any time in the time interval covered by the tree. And now, if the tree receives the ``get-object'' message, a linked list of icons is generated by interpolation which then may be displayed.

While the movement of icons can be designed interactively, the generation of such a tree may be automated as well. A routine may string the subsequent steps of an icon on a given integral curve, or else one may apply a routine that identifies critical points.

Figure 7:   Critical points in the fluid flow behind a circular obstacle. The invariant subspaces of the saddle (indicated by the arrows) converge as the vortex and the saddle come close. The arrows point in the direction of the local flow.

Figure 8:   Critical points and particle traces in a fluid container with inner walls. The arrows which are scaled according to the eigenvalues of the gradient indicate the invariant manifolds of the critical point; in the plane of the (grey) disk the point is a node. The coloured disks describe the spiralling flow in the plane spanned by the complex eigenvectors of the gradient.

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Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Universität Freiburg
Mon Jul 24 23:57:35 MDT 1995