László Kozma
Takustr. 9, Room 114
14195 Berlin
E-mail: laszlo.kozma@fu-berlin.de
Phone: +49 30 838 66213
Arbeitsgruppe Theoretische Informatik
Institut für Informatik
Freie Universität Berlin
Office hours: Friday 9-10, or by e-mail appointment, or whenever my door is open.
Note: I'm happy to discuss possible thesis topics, usually related to algorithms and theoretical computer science. If you are interested in doing a thesis project with me, feel free to come by.
Websites: more official |
less official
News and activities
Sep--Dec 2024
- Benjamin graduates. Congratulations!
- Short visit by Jean Cardinal and John Iacono
- BPE paper with Johannes uploaded
- PhD committee at FUB: Jonas Cleve
- Master thesis defense: Kraleva
- Bachelor thesis defense: Klingele
- PhD external examiner of Akash Pareek at IIT
- Seminar talks on max cut and on streaming
- Advanced algorithms W24 and Algorithms Software Project W24
- I'll be on the MFCS 25 PC
May--Aug 2024
- PhD external examiner/committee Justin Dallant at ULB
- Workshop: Algorithms and DS Today, Singapore
- Randomized saddle paper accepted to ESA 24
- Online sorting paper accepted to ESA 24
- Short visit by Arturo Merino
- Patterns paper presented at STOC/TheoryFest Vancouver
- Invited talk at Analysis of Algorithms'24 in Bath
- Seminar talk on single-source shortest paths
Mar--Apr 2024
- Attending Workshop Comb/Algo/Geom in Dresden
- Two papers submitted to ESA 24
- Junqi Tan to start as PhD student
- Avani Pawar to start student research project
- Seminar talks on saddle points and on online sorting
- Randomized algorithms S24
Jan--Feb 2024
Advanced algorithms, Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2018.
[plan '23] ['18]
Randomized algorithms, Spring 2024, Spring 2019.
[plan '24] ['19]
Software Project: Applications of Algorithms, Fall 2024.
Seminar on Shortest Paths Algorithms, Spring 2025.
Seminar on Approximation Algorithms, Fall 2023.
Grundlagen der theoretischen Informatik, Spring 2023.
Seminar on Online Algorithms, Spring 2023.
Seminar on Algorithms: Beyond Worst-case Analysis, Fall 2022.
Seminar on Clustering, Fall 2021.
[course page]
Parameterized and exact exponential algorithms, Spring 2021.
[plan '21]
Algorithmic geometry (jointly with K. Kriegel), Spring 2021.
Advanced data structures, Spring 2025, Spring 2020.
[course page '20]
Analysis für Infomatik, Fall 2019.
Graph algorithms (at TU Eindhoven, jointly with J. Nederlof), Spring 2018.
I am interested in efficient data structures and algorithms, algorithmic adaptivity, and algorithmic questions involving combinatorial and geometric structures. My papers (pdf downloads, slides, etc.) can be found on my
personal website.
Selected publications (see here for
full list and downloads):
- Optimization with pattern-avoiding input [pdf]
with Benjamin A. Berendsohn, Michal Opler
STOC 2024.
- Fast approximation of search trees on trees with centroid trees [pdf]
with Benjamin A. Berendsohn, Ishay Golinsky, Haim Kaplan
ICALP 2023.
- Splay trees on trees [pdf]
with Benjamin A. Berendsohn,
SODA 2022.
- Analysis of smooth heaps and slim heaps [pdf]
with Maria Hartmann, Corwin Sinnamon, Robert E. Tarjan,
ICALP 2021.
- Time- and space-optimal algorithm for the many-visits TSP [pdf]
with André Berger, Matthias Mnich, Roland Vincze,
SODA 2019, ACM Trans. Alg., Vol 16(3), 2020
- Smooth heaps and a dual view of self-adjusting data structures [pdf]
with Thatchaphol Saranurak,
STOC 2018, SIAM J. Comp., Vol 49(5), 2020
- Maximum scatter TSP in doubling metrics [pdf]
with Tobias Mömke,
SODA 2017.
- Pattern-avoiding access in binary search trees [pdf]
with Parinya Chalermsook, Mayank Goswami, Kurt Mehlhorn, Thatchaphol Saranurak,
FOCS 2015.
- Binary search trees, rectangles and patterns [pdf]
PhD thesis, Saarland University, 2016.
- PhD:
- Master:
- Johannes Voderholzer
- Viktoriya Kraleva
- Fang Lin
- Claas Fandré
- Maria Hartmann [pdf]
- Krisztina Szilágyi
- Benjamin Aram Berendsohn [pdf]
- Bachelor:
- Minh Tuan Nguyen
- Mohammed Alhamdan
- Yannis Klingele
- Dominic Mahling
- Dominik Wagner
- Arman Durmus
- Johannes Voderholzer [pdf]
- Rui Zhao
- Linus Buddrus [pdf]
- Raniem Almerestani
- Fang Lin
- Claire Alexandra Bräuer
- Christian Offner [pdf]
- Florian Suhre
- Christoph Meiske [pdf]
- Nazar Sopiha
- Qianli Wang
- Dennis Nikolaus Natusch [pdf]
- Raphael Walkling
- Banafshe Sadeghi
- Kevin Kreutz
- Jonathan Gadea Harder
- Lena Strobl
- Ben Wiederhake (Uni Saarland)
Titles/abstracts of the theses and full contents (where available) can be accessed through the group websites:
master |
Some potentially useful tips for tcs and math research and writing (R O'Donnell), talks (K Fatahalian), more on talks (A Gupta), research in general (DP Stern) and some timeless advice from G-C Rota, more advice from J. Baez, as well as from W. Thurston.
DFG Project
Efficient Adaptive Data Structures (EAD), 2019-2022, PI.
DFG Project
EAD II, 2023-2024, PI.
Last updated
by László Kozma.