by Grillenberger, Andreas and Romeike, Ralf
Grillenberger, Andreas and Romeike, Ralf: Big Data – Challenges for Computer Science Education, In: Gülbahar, Yasemin, Karatas, Erinç (eds.): Informatics in Schools. Teaching and Learning Perspectives, 2014.
Bibtex Code:
Address = {Heidelberg},
Author = {Grillenberger, Andreas and Romeike, Ralf},
Bibsource = {UnivIS,},
Booktitle = {{Informatics in Schools. Teaching and Learning Perspectives}},
Date-Added = {2018-10-09 08:34:40 +0200},
Date-Modified = {2018-10-09 08:42:37 +0200},
Doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-09958-3},
Editor = {G{\"u}lbahar, Yasemin and Karatas, Erin{\c c}},
Isbn = {978-3-319-09957-6},
Issn = {0302-9743},
Keywords = {Big Data; NoSQL; Data Management; Databases; Data Analysis; Data Privacy; Challenges},
Location = {Istanbul},
Pages = {29--40},
Series = {{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}},
Title = {{Big Data -- Challenges for Computer Science Education}},
Url = {},
Year = {2014},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}