Combinatorial Reciprocity Theorems

Winter Semester 2011

Raman Sanyal, Arnimallee 2, room 105



lecture monday 8:30-10:00 Arnimallee 6 SR 025/026
recitation thursday 10:15-11:45 Arnimallee 3 SR 119


Colorings of a graph, linear extensions of a partially ordered set, and points outside a hyperplane arrangement over a finite field are just some examples of combinatorial structures whose counting functions are polynomials. A combinatorial reciprocity theorem gives a kind of duality between related combinatorial structures by giving a (combinatorial) meaning to the values of these polynomials at negative integers. In this course we will view such reciprocities from the perspective of geometric combinatorics. To that end we will develop the necessary theory of partially ordered sets and Moebius functions, polytopes, hyperplane arrangements, triangulations, and Ehrhart theory.

This course is aimed at beginning graduate/master students with an interest in combinatorics and discrete geometry. The course is part of the module "Diskrete Mathematik III".


[B1] Matthias Beck, Combinatorial reciprocity theorems, Book draft, 2011
[BS] Felix Breuer, Raman Sanyal, Ehrhart theory, Modular flow reciprocity, and the Tutte polynomial, Math. Zeitschrift, 2010, in print
[Gr] Branko Grünbaum Convex Polytopes, Springer GTM 221
[R] Gian-Carlo Rota On the foundations of combinatorial theory I. Theory of Möbius Functions, Probab. Theory Related Fields 2 (1964), 340-368
[St1] Richard Stanley, Combinatorial reciprocity theorems, Advances in Math. 14 (1974), 194-253.
[St2] Richard Stanley, Enumerative Combinatorics, volume 1, second edition
[W] Herbert Wilf, generatingfunctionology, second edition
[Z] Günter Ziegler, Lectures on Polytopes, Springer GTM 152


Homework #5 due Feb 16
Homework #4 due Dec 15
Homework #3 due Dec 5
Homework #2 due Nov 17
Homework #1 due Oct 30 Nov, 2

what happend so far

Feb 06 Graph colorings/flows geometrically; proper colorings are lattice points in open cubes not on the graphical arrangement; graphical arrangement subdivides cube into order polytopes
Z_k-flows: in-coming flow minus out-going flow is a multiple of k; nowhere zero Z_k-flows are lattice points in finitely many sections of the cube
Jan 30 P-partition of n: order preserving map from finite poset P into natural numbers such that sum of image is n; P interpolates between chain and anti-chain; P-partitions interpolate between partitions and compositions; correspond to lattice points in a cone; decomposition of cone into simplicial cones corresponding to linear extensions; canonical (irrational) decomposition of the cone using permutation statistics; rational generating functions and reciprocity related to classical notions such as descent sets, major index and inversion statistics
Jan 23 Order polytopes: Order preserving maps from P into [0,1]; Ehrhart function yields order polynomial and reciprocity; canonical triangulation into unimodular simplices along (strict) chains of order ideals; gives geometric intuition for combinatorial proof that we did Nov 14
Jan 16 Ehrhart theory for general rational polytopes via (regular) subdivisions; Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity via Möbius functions
Jan 09 Regular subdivisions and their Möbius functions (continued)
Ehrhart theory for simplices; half-open parallelepipeds and rational generating functions; Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity via generating function reciprocity
Jan 05 Möbius function of face posets of polyhedron via Euler characteristics; filters in face poset is face figure of polyhedron; intervals are again face posets
polyhedral complexes and subdivisions of polyhedra; regular subdivisions
Dec 12 Cubes, simplices, f-vectors, Euler characteristic; Theorem: The Euler characteristic of a pointed polyhedron is 1 (bounded) or 0 (unbounded).
Dec 5 Convex bodies/sets: polyhedra, polytopes, (polyhedral) cones; operations: sections, projections, Minkowski sums; Minkowski-Weyl theorem; Boundary structure: faces of convex bodies (intrinsic), supporting hyperplanes, faces of polyhedra (extrinsic), face of a face is a face, dimension of faces (k-face), face lattice, examples
Nov 28 quasi-polynomials, examples: quasi-polynomials from restricted partitions, Ehrhart functions for rational segments, characterization of quasi-polynomials, reciprocity for rational generating functions, information from the numerator polynomial, combinatorial reciprocity for restricted partitions
Nov 21 entries in matrix powers as counting functions, rational generating functions, example: (multi)subsets, restricted partitions, characterization of rational generating functions, polynomials, application to matrix powers
Nov 14 Reciprocity for order polynomials -- combinatorially (at first)
o.p. maps to an n-chain and chains of order ideals, Birkhoff construction for distributive lattices, order polynomial as evaluations of the zeta function, Möbius function for J(Q), the (weak) Crosscut Theorem in the Möbius algebra
Nov 7 Ehrhart theory in the plane: the Ehrhart function of a latticep polygon is a polynomial, Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity, Pick's theorem. Proofs via (special) triangles and triangulations
incidence algebra, zeta function, invertible elements, Möbius function, Möbius inversion formula
Oct 31 from (multi)subsets to order polynomials, posets, Hasse diagrams, counting (strictly) order preserving maps into chains, chromatic polynomials as sums of strict order polynomials
from (multi)subsets to counting lattice points in triangles, reciprocity translated: lattice points in the interior vs. in the whole triangle
Oct 20 flows in graphs, nowhere zero H-flows, flow reciprocity
(generalized) Tutte-Grothendieck invariants, Tutte polynomials
Oct 17 what is a combinatorial reciprocity
Example: subset-multisubset-reciprocity
Graph colorings: chromatic polynomials at negative integers


A solid background in linear algebra and some geometric intuition is sufficient but more mathematical background is surely welcome.


homeworks, project with presentation (45min.), and term paper.