21st Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry
June 6-8, 2005, Pisa, Italy
SoCG 2005
Papers must be submitted in two steps:
- In the first step, a short abstract of about 10-20 lines of the paper must be
electronically submitted, as well as the subject categories
into which the paper falls. You will get a confirmation by
email. The confirmation will include a login name and
password, which you need in the second step;
We encourage you
to complete step 1 well before the deadline, and to formulate the abstract and
select categories carefully. An accurate and succinct abstract (as well as
appropriate keywords and subject categories) will increase the
chance of getting the most appropriate program committee
members interested in your paper, and will thus enhance the
reviewing process. (You cannot change the abstract
or the categories in step 2,
but you can add additional remarks, in case there is some
important change in the results between the abstract and the
submitted paper.)
- In the second step, the full paper (or extended abstract) must be
submitted over the world-wide web by December 6, 2004. The login name and password received after the first step
are required.
If you wish to replace your submission by an updated version, you can
do so by simply repeating the second step any time up to the
(Note, however, that the system does not remember any changes of the
data such as address, title or additional remarks that you
have made in phase 2. The data that is initially given in the forms is what you
specified in phase 1.
The submission procedure and the email confirmation that you receive for a
is identical as when you submit a "fresh" paper.)
Please make sure you can receive email from socg-maintain@mi.fu-berlin.de, and that you have a browser
that supports uploading via a web form. This is necessary in phase 2.
You can use
this page to test.
If there is no button named 'Browse' visible, you should upgrade your browser
in order to use this site.
If you don't receive the test email, the reason might be that some
spam filter on the way to you is blocking the message; you should consider specifying an
alternate e-mail address.
Authors who cannot submit their papers electronically should
inform the PC chair at
When filling in the forms, PLEASE USE CAPITALS ONLY WHEN SYNTACTICALLY NEEDED, so e.g. only at the beginning of your name, not your FULL NAME.
(The previous line is an example of a wrong usage of capitals.)
Step 1 Abstract submission
Abstract submission is no longer possible
Step 2 Paper submission
Paper submission is no longer possible
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