Animations of Pseudotriangulations

Here is a list of a few applets and animations in connection with pseudotriangulations that are available on the internet, as of September 2005.
Bettina Speckmann - Java Demo - Kinetic collision detection for simple polygons
Ileana Streinu: Pseudotriangulation mechanism in motion
An expansive pseudotriangulation mechanism, animated
Ileana Streinu: Unfolding a Polygon by Pseudotriangulations
unfolding a polygon through a sequence of pseudotriangulation mechanisms, animation of the complete process.
Pseudotriangulation demo
a Java applet by Jack Snoeyink, permitting to flip edges by clicking on them
An Energy-Driven Approach to Linkage Unfolding
an alternative approach to linkage unfolding, based on a paper by Cantarella, Demaine, Iben, O'Brian 2004
Another Java implementation of the energy-based approach
by Michael Zilske.
some precomputed animations (in SVG format)