List of Scientific Papers of Günter Rote published by ACM, with free links
> 4: an improved lower bound on the growth constant of polyominoes
Gill Barequet
Günter Rote
Mira Shalah
Communications of the ACM, 2016
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Add isotropic Gaussian kernels at own risk: more and more resilient modes in higher dimensions
Herbert Edelsbrunner
Brittany Terese Fasy
Günter Rote
SoCG '12 Proceedings of the twenty-eighth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2012
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Configuration space visualization
Dror Atariah
Günter Rote
SoCG '12 Proceedings of the twenty-eighth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2012
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Geometric clustering: Fixed-parameter tractability and lower bounds with respect to the dimension
Sergio Cabello
Panos Giannopoulos
Christian Knauer
Dániel Marx
Günter Rote
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG), 2011
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Minimum-weight triangulation is NP-hard
Wolfgang Mulzer
Günter Rote
Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2008
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New upper bounds on the quality of the PCA bounding boxes in r
and r
Darko Dimitrov
Christian Knauer
Klaus Kriegel
G. Rote
SCG '07 Proceedings of the twenty-third annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2007
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There are not too many magic configurations
Eyal Ackerman
Kevin Buchin
Christian Knauer
Rom Pinchasi
Günter Rote
SCG '07 Proceedings of the twenty-third annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2007
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Embedding 3-polytopes on a small grid
Ares Ribó Mor
Günter Rote
André Schulz
SCG '07 Proceedings of the twenty-third annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2007
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Locked and unlocked chains of planar shapes
Robert Connelly
Erik D. Demaine
Martin L. Demaine
Sándor P. Fekete
Stefan Langerman
Joseph S. B. Mitchell
Ares Ribó
Günter Rote
SCG '06 Proceedings of the twenty-second annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2006
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The complexity of (un)folding
Helmut Alt
Christian Knauer
Günter Rote
Sue Whitesides
SCG '03 Proceedings of the nineteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2003
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Planar minimally rigid graphs and pseudo-triangulations
Ruth Haas
David Orden
Günter Rote
Francisco Santos
Brigitte Servatius
Hermann Servatius
Diane Souvaine
Ileana Streinu
Walter Whiteley
SCG '03 Proceedings of the nineteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2003
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Finding a curve in a map
Carola Wenk
Helmut Alt
Alon Efrat
Lingeshwaran Palaniappan
Gunter Rote
SCG '03 Proceedings of the nineteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2003
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Incremental constructions con BRIO
Nina Amenta
Sunghee Choi
Günter Rote
SCG '03 Proceedings of the nineteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2003
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Pseudotriangulations, polytopes, and how to expand linkages
Günter Rote
SCG '02 Proceedings of the eighteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 2002
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Triangulations intersect nicely
Oswin Aichholzer
Günter Rote
SCG '95 Proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, 1995
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Matching shapes with a reference point
Helmut Alt
Oswin Aichholzer
Günter Rote
SCG '94 Proceedings of the tenth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 1994
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Degenerate convex hulls in high dimensions without extra storage
Günter Rote
SCG '92 Proceedings of the eighth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 1992
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Minimum-link paths among obstacles in the plane
Joseph S. B. Mitchell
Günter Rote
Gerhard Woeginger
SCG '90 Proceedings of the sixth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 1990
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On simultaneous inner and outer approximation of shapes
Rudolf Fleischer
Kurt Mehlhorn
Günter Rote
Emo Welzl
Chee Yap
SCG '90 Proceedings of the sixth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 1990
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