Bridges 2020

Supplemental material to the short paper
Weaving Paper into Star Patterns (Bridges Archive 2020)
is provided here for free download.

Line patterns are provided as eps files, in all patterns the dashed lines are mirror symmetric to the solid lines. Therefore it is possible to turn one sheet over and put it on top of the other, then both sheets can be cut together with the same cutting pattern. Before weaving the sheets together, the turned over sheet has just to be turned back.

Square with ten-pointed star:

photo photo photo download eps all lines
download eps dashed lines
download eps solid lines

Periodic examples:

In these examples, the cutting pattern does not produce single-connected parts - so for weaving the sheets together, one sheet is cut into single-connected parts by additional cuts, indicated by dotted lines. These additional lines are necessary only in one sheet, so if both sheets are cut together, add the cuts along dotted lines in the end and only to one of two sheets. In our examples, the white sheet has the additional cuts, and they are all hidden in the back side. The third image in each row shows in the left the cuts in the colored sheet, in the center the resulting pattern with solid and dashed cut lines, and in the right the cuts in the white sheet including the dotted lines for additional cuts. For each pattern, the eps file with the solid lines also contains the dotted lines for additional cuts.
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download eps dashed lines
download eps solid lines
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download eps dashed lines
download eps solid lines
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download eps dashed lines
download eps solid lines
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