International Summer School
on Scientific and Mathematical Visualization

Ettenheim, Germany
September 23-27, 1996

Supported by:
EUROGRAPHICS + Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)

M. Rumpf, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Freiburg
D. Saupe, Institut für Informatik, Freiburg

C. Hege, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum, Berlin
K. Polthier, Technische Universität, Berlin

Program committee:
H. W. Alt, Bonn
P. Deuflhard, Berlin
W. Jäger, Heidelberg
D. Kröner, Freiburg
H. Müller, Dortmund
H.-O. Peitgen, Bremen
F. Post, Delft
H.-P. Seidel, Erlangen

This summer school brings together internationally recognized experts from field of scientific and mathematical visualization for an event providing a stimulating atmosphere for teaching, learning and professional exchange of ideas in the area of scientific and mathematical visualization.

The lecturers will be:

G. Francis, University of Illinois
L. Hesselink, Stanford University
R. Scopigno, CNUCE - C.N.R., Pisa Italy
J. van Wijk, ECN Petten, Netherlands
(D. Silver, Rutgers University, canceled)

The topics covered by the lecturers include
- Mathematical Computer Graphics: Manifolds
- Physically Based Methods for Topology Visualization
- Scientific Visualisation and Volume Rendering
- Various techniques for flow visualization
- Interactive visualization and computational steering

The participants will gain an overview and a working knowledge of the entire field of scientific and mathematical visualization. The intended audience are students and professionals from universities, research institutes and industry who want to get a comprehensive view of visualization including recent results. Poster sessions, a tutorial on methematical visualization and a small number contributed lectures by the participants will be held in addition to the main lectures. To keep this summer school personal the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 60. The summer school will take place in the historical town hall of Ettenheim, a picturesque and baroque town at the rim of the Black Forest about 40 km north of Freiburg. Further details about Ettenheim and the summer school are available on the WWW at the http address given below.

The summerschool is sponsored by the Graduiertenkolleg "Nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen, Modellierung, Theorie, Numerik, Visualisierung" at the University of Freiburg.

The conference fee is DM 75, to be paid at the summer school location. It includes a set of printed course notes, coffee breaks, a wine tasting party, and an excursion to the beautiful Rheinauen with a boat trip. The participants cover their own travel and lodging. The organizers have arranged for a set of rooms at hotels and private guest houses (bed & breakfast), which are kept open for conference reservation until June 30, 96. These reservations can also be made on the registration form below.

Registration closed since July 19, 1996
List of participants

Summer School Program

The organizers wish to thank the city of Ettenheim for providing the conference location and for helpful assistance during organization.

Contact adress:
Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Universität Freiburg
Hermann-Herder-Strasse 10
D-79104 Freiburg i. Br.
Tel.: 0761-203-5637,5638, Fax: +49-761-203-5632