Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult., Einstein Professor, a.D.
J'arrive où je suis étranger
Un jour tu passes la frontière
D'où viens-tu mais où vas-tu donc
Demain qu'importe et qu'importe hier
Louis Aragon (from: J'arrive où je suis étranger)
В огонь? Ну что ж, иди! Идёшь?
И он шагнул однажды
И там сгорел он ни за грош
Ведь был солдат бумажный
Булат Окуджава (from: Бумажный солдат)
Nicht sich verstecken
vor den Dingen
der Zeit
in die Liebe
Aber auch nicht
vor der Liebe
in die Dinge
der Zeit
Erich Fried (Kein Unterschlupf)
Les yeux fermés
Sur un passé
Qui nous a échappé.
Le temps suspendu
Une ascèse
Soudain l'œil humide
Irradie la mémoire
D'une émotion partagée.
1er février 2021
J’ai laissé derrière moi mon enfance au soleil nourrie de nature,
Et ma noire condition d'orphelin tissée de misère et de privation;
Je suis encore adolescent ivre d'un rêve de livre et de papier.
Missak Manouchian (from: Vers la France, ca 1925)
There is something utterly unique about this
combination of warmth, immediacy, and pure loneliness.
Igor Levit on Shostakovich's Preludes and Fugues, Oct. 2022
Nisaba, woman sparkling with joy,
Righteous woman, scribe, lady who knows everything:
She leads your fingers on the clay,
She makes them put beautiful wedges on the tablets,
She makes them sparkle with a golden stylus,
A 1-rod reed and a measuring rope of lapis lazuli,
A yardstick, and a writing board which gives wisdom:
Nisaba generously bestowed them on you.
Mesopotamia (2000-1600 BC)
Other Information
Some Lectures and misc.
Bonn, July 25, 2024, Conference on the occasion of Faltings' 70th birthday:
A non-abelian version of Deligne's Fix Part Theorem.
Park City, July 8-9-10, 2024; preliminary notes:
Arithmetic Properties of Local Systems
Leopoldina, September 29, 2023: Jahresversammlung:
``Richtig ''oder ``Falsch'': dies sind die Alternativen in der Mathematik
Preface by Lang and Tate to the Collected Papers by E. Artin (1965)
École Normale Supérieure Ulm, April 3rd, 2023:
Séminaire Philosophie-Mathématiques:
Pourquoi faisons-nous des mathématiques?
Oberwolfach, January 31st, 2022: Conference Non-Archimedean Geometry: Arithmetic
Properties of Rigid Local Systems
Strasbourg, September 27th, 2021: Centennial of the IMU: Rigid Local Systems: Arithmetic Properties.
Math-life balance, January 29th, 2021.
Greifswald, January 7th, 2021: Felix-Hausdorff-Vorlesung: Lokale Systeme in der Geometrie und der Arithmetik.
London, December 8th, 2020: Connections and Symmetric Differential Forms.
Stony Brook, AGNES, October 24th, 2020: Special loci of Betti moduli.
Upstate New York, September 28th, 2020:
Bounding ramification with covers and curves.
Regensburg, July 7th, 2020:
Survey on rigidity of local systems and related arithmetic questions.
IAS Basic Notions Seminar, May 19th, 2020: Density of Arithmetic Representations of Function Fields.
Karlsruhe DMV Tagung, Sept. 23th, 2019: The Hard Lefschetz Theorem, some history and recent progress.
Karlsruhe DMV Tagung, Sept. 23th, 2019: Danksagung.
Luminy, Dec. 19th, 2018: Why do you love mathematics?
Elmau, May 4th, 2018: \(p\)-Curvature of Connections, Geometricity and Integrality of Local Systems.
Sackler Distinguished Lecture I, Tel Aviv, Nov. 7th, 2016: Linear Differential Equations with Algebraic Solutions.
Sackler Distinguished Lecture II, Tel Aviv, Nov. 9th, 2016: D-Modules and Finite Monodromy.
Lectures at the AMS Summer Research Institute Algebraic Geometry, Utah, July 27th-28th-30th, 2015:
Some Fundamental Groups in Arithmetic Geometry.
Lecture at the Bibiothèque Nationale de France, Jan. 15th,
2014: \(1+1=0\); Monsieur Weil, est-ce bien rationnel?