
This years Korean Workshop on Computational Geometry will be located on the beautiful island of Hiddensee which lies in the Baltic Sea west of Rügen island. Participants will stay in small, reed-covered apartment houses of Hotel Heiderose which is located quietly outside the villages of the island. There will be two apartments per house and two participants per apartment.

The meetings will take place in the lecture room inside the hotel.


Accommodation, breakfasts, dinners, and transportation from Berlin are free due to funding  by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German research association). Due to DFG regulations this support is not available for students, including Ph.D. students. Their participation fee is 300 Euros which must be paid upon arrival. Please register by March 15, so we can plan ahead. Please observe, that your registration is binding since the hotel must be booked in advance and has an 80% cancellation fee and DFG will only pay for participants who were really present.

You also have to take care for lunch on your own, but there are small kitchens in the apartments.

Open Problems

As usual the workshop will mostly consist of research work in small, spontaneously formed groups. We will work on open problems presented by the participants within the first two days of the meeting.  Therefore, participants are asked to prepare presentations (~10-15 min.) introducing interesting research topics including open problems.

Get-together, Transportation

Reaching Hiddensee by public transportation is possible but complicated. Therefore, we will meet at our institute in Berlin, Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin, entrance No. 9 on the map. From there, we will take a bus to Schaprode on Rügen and from there a boat to Hiddensee (6 p.m.) The bus will depart on Sunday, June 22 at 12:30 pm, please be on time. You are invited to arrive even earlier, from 11 a.m., and have a small snack at the institute.


Helmut Alt, alt@mi.fu-berlin.de, phone +49 30 838 75160, mobile +49 176 6437 0222

Claudia Dieckmann, dieck@zedat.fu-berlin.de, phone +49 30 838 75161




Previous Meetings